Thursday, July 2, 2020

where's the bap?

Garg.  I'm up still, 3:37 A.M. + the time it takes to type this.
a little sleepy.  not a lot.

Wednesday was a definite improvement mood wise over Tuesday.  Felt nauseous and had a headache most of Tuesday and I was still sucked by Monday.  Today I don't know what to think about it.  I have an appointment with head pastor at a church nearby that I'd visited a few+ times.  It's at 3pm so if I'm awake by 1pm I'll be OK.  I just need to go to sleep no later than 7am.  And then I'll probably go to bed at 8pm and wake up at 2am.  Grr.
Been watching way more forbdn entrnnt than I really feel is even understandable from God's perspective.  I'm just way too out of it.  I kept meaning to read some of His word this past day, but never got around to it.  RRRR (yy!!!!!!!!).  It slips so easily.  Just a little distance and BOOM!  I need to do better.

Of course, watching 9or9 is only a side effect of the reality of my spiritual condition, which is my own doing,un.  I need to un-un-do it and keep it that way!!!  AAAYY! 


idk if or when things will truly improve.  I anticipate wanting to crawl under the floor at about 3pm ish.

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