Monday, July 16, 2012

I remember seeing Camel Joe ads at the mall in the late 80s/early 90s.  I liked those ads; they were all neon and prrrty.  The ones that weren't had a nice beachy-earthy tone to 'em.  I don't really like those ones as much, but they're kinda cool... Something about the animation on the cover of FAR SIDE pt II has intrigued me. I guess b/c it's reminiscent of SCHOOL HOUSE ROCK. which aired during the apprx time slot that THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS aired. It's weird, I remember SLIMER & THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS better than THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS. I TOTALLY do not remember the Slimer spinoff. I remember seeing the DiC Productions logo, with that little kid sleeping and the angle of the image zooming outside his(?) window with kind of a glowy nightime sky. Which reminds me... This cover-art reminds me of...something I don't remember. I tried watching the movie and it didn't help. I remember this CD. I remember seeing it and noticing it didn't have Michael Jackson on the cover. I remember hearing the song "Lasagna" and thinking of a popcorn commercial that I really shouldn't remember as well as I do, since it really wasn't very memorable. And I remember passing by this CD, back when CDs came in longboxes, in a music store when me and the rest of my family (incl. my father) and damn near creaming myself over how awesome it looked. They had this, NOTHING TO FEAR and DEAD MAN'S PARTY. I swear, I don't know what I saw in the cover for DEAD MAN'S PARTY. I look at the cover now, and I can barely make out the image(s). But at the time, I was in awe of all three of 'em, the hiearchy being the same as it is now, although spaced apart differently, as indicated already... For some weird reason, I think of this RGB toy when I hear the song "Nothing Bad Ever Happens", from the SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET cd. Although I think it was Fearsome Flush I remember walking out of the back way of the Salinas, CA mall with, wrapped for me in a KB Toys bag. Where the song "Nothing Bad Ever Happens" ties into that memory, I do not know. The Super Fright Features Winston was a New Years present, although my mom had to cut the top part of the packaging off so I wouldn't guess what it was. I think I remember seeing her buy it, seems like it was at a sewing store, or some discount/dollar wasn't the mall...or maybe it was...idk...maybe Fearsome Flush was my "today" item and Winston was for later...sounds more plausible... I remember I was scared to walk by the bathroom, imagining a zombie/corpse-thingy waiting to scare the cripes out of I walked up to my mom and told her she should not have let me see all the video covers for all those horror movies. Thankfully she didn't put too much stalk in that talkin' to..... I feel groovy when I see these things. I guess it beats the LOTR/Harry Potter/Dark Knight mania of late - although I actually like THE DARK KNIGHT movies, I just can't imagine a child growing up in such a dark world...where's the color? Where's the happiness? Between it being way more awesome than the dreary "kid's" movies of late, and the fact that I, for better or worse, grew up with this stuff, it's just...weird to think that I must have had the most sorry asT look on my face when I opened my New Years gifts and it was mostly Beetlejuice toys (no GHOSTBUSTERS). (My mom was kinda upset about it, which is how I conclude - not exactly a memory - that I had a dulled reaction to the gifts). I still can't believe I used to have one of these. But then again, I've never understood the appeal of the POLICE ACADEMY movies. But those worthless 80's comedies did have some memorable cover-art, even though they all looked mostly the same.

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