Monday, January 13, 2014

My sister's boss...

...gave her $50 to give to me and Mumsy - Each!.

I spent $15 of it on a really dumb music buying choice.  This band, which I previously posted a big gigantic rant regarding, now has TWO CDs, both seemingly heavy hitters on the semi-indie scene (pop-punk/emo/et al).  I bought their 2nd one.  I keep coming back to their first CD thinking maybe I missed something.  Nope.  The opening song "Breaking & Entering" has this heavy dramatic melody, but extremely weak production and arrangement.  Songs like this are meant to get your blood rushing and fist pumping, but this CD just sounds like a 7 year old ordering his parents to stand in the corner.  SCOFF!!!

I can't remember what I spent the rest of it on.  You'd think I could; with $50 I could have bought a bunch of really cool stuff previously thought unattainable...but what would that be anyway?  A two-party meal @ Red Lobster?  Ugh...

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