Friday, March 6, 2015

The Poltergiest is Dead

The Sceptre sound bar I referenced in a older post seems to be a POS...might be good...somebody wrote a mostly favorable review citing great high and low range but highly lacking in the mid range, which makes $54 not only a lot of money (for me) but a waste of money.  If I can't get a GOOD quality sound bar for $60 or whatever, I'll simply need to wait.  My TVs sound isn't intolerable.  I just want something that will make it more tolerable.  Adding a few notches to the tolerability spectrum is pointless.
I had in mind to try this thing that's a little bit cheaper, it's a wireless (Bluetooth) speaker, but it has a 3.5mm slot to connect other devices.  I auditioned portable speakers at Radio Shack awhile back, one of the ones they had was fairly large but I could hear this crackling within the music and the guy at the store didn't seem to know what I was talking about.  So I'll probably need to remove that from my Amazon shopping list/wish list.
I'd hate to spend $200 on a sound bar or some HTiB alternative, but if I never have "premium" sound, then I guess I'll still be a miserable sod with a huge lack of appreciation of music in general.  My life is rather dull, so music that doesn't explicitly make its point clear and is told from a "let's party" perspective is not going to do the trick.  Music needs to hit pretty hard to win over my heart.  There's this one song by Pianos Become The Teeth titled "April".  Damn, that song is heavy.  The band was specializing in primitive emo/screammo type music, but I guess like the '70's punk rockers, they got bored with pretending to be gorillas and have expanded their horizons.  I don't think a sound bar would really make the song better.  Or at least that's what I tell myself. 

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