Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Birthday 2 me

Got that, or something virtually the same, for my birthday on Sunday Nov. 20th this year (Two days ago).  Very cool.  So far I've been keeping up with it.  It's a "one year Bible", so I should have the entirety of God's word read by mid-late Nov. 19th of this coming year.  I know from talking to people that I'll need to start over again, and keep doing that as God guides me into being a better disciple.  It's a very pretty/handsome book.
Thank you, Mom!

My sis bought & brought by a gourmet cake, from a local grocery store named Publix -- it's an in-store bakery grocery store kinda thing, but they do quite well at it considering, much better than some of them out there, i.e.: WalMart.  The Schnucks in Southeast Missouri was pretty good, a lot better than WalMart, but Publix takes the cake...no, no, I didn't mean I returned the cake and got my sister's money back, no, that is NOT what I meant!  You want proof?  LOOK AT MY STOMACH!  LOOK AT IT.  Ok, ok, calm down...rrr...
I had a blistering headache last night.  I hadn't brushed my teeth in almost a week...if not longer...I need brush 'em again especially since I had apple pie for breakfast.  Word on the street is A) you need to ADD sugar to apple pie and B) even if you use half sucralose-based sweetener (i.e.: Splenda) and half sugar, the sugar content is STILL astronormous.  So yeah.  Sorry teeth.
But yeah.  Heh.  You thought I was gonna show you my stomach didn't you?  (grins)
anyway, I had a good birthday.  My gramma said she was going to mail out "a card" yesterday.  Here's hoping it gets here Wednesday.  I'm rooting for supernaturally fast mail processing and I WILL CHECK MY Mail today, hoping against hope...realizing I will most likely be disappointed, so that my disappointment doesn't crush the very center of my soul.....
A blu ray I ordered on Amazon was "shipped" on Saturday, but nobody at the post office works on Saturday, so it didn't get is bhind out working toward its destination until yesterday.  USPS is estimating a Friday delivery.  Truth is they really don't *KNOW* when it will arrive, so that might get here Wednesday...if not, I'll be home with my cat, my sister's cat and my Mom's dogs and NO MAIL!!!  NO NEW THINGS TO GO "OOH" AT!  WWAAA!!!!
Ok, I think I'm delving too much into my life and not enough about anyone else's.  GROUP POLL: What's the best Dustin Hoffman movie?

Ok, xx

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