"Idle hands are the devil's playground" The truth of that expression does exist, if my experience of having way too much time at hand is any indication, even if The Bible itself doesn't put those words in that particular order to the forefront of one's mind. Much like "The Lord moves in mysterious ways" is not a Bible verse or a piece of one, but nonetheless is demonstrated to be true, both in a variety of passages within The Bible and the pages of individual people's lives.
The Great Commission is not presented to us because God is incapable of doing it Himself. It is not because he refuses to do it Himself. It is presented to us because, with the help of The Holy Spirit, and the knowledge of God's will and the availability of His Word, we have the means to express our Love FOR GOD by participating in the Purpose for which Jesus came to Earth. The Holy Spirit can and will help us accomplish this and it will help prod the listener in moments galore to follow, regardless of how dismissive or uncaring they may come across at the immediate receipt of Your Testimony. That doesn't mean everyone will heed those proddings. There are many people who will perish, either because of Our lack of Good Conduct or because of arrogance or a combination of the two. I think in many cases, Christians beat themselves up a bit much over not "doing enough", when the fact is, being a "hypocrite", while certainly not an OK way to live, does not excuse another's overall dismissal of The Truth. It should go without saying that hypocrisy does make your Testimony rather flimsy, since The Holy Spirit was sent to transform us into A NEW SPECIES OF LIFE. People who are visiting a church at your request and find among you a bunch of people slandering and judging others, backstabbing and engaging in gluttony, are more likely to tune into Atheism Today than The Holy Bible.
The more one is humbled and thus realizes a need to alter their behavior(s), the more they will WANT to serve Jesus. The Great Commission is a gift to those who want it. To those that don't want assignment to expand God's kingdom, I would recommend to keep asking God to deliver. The alternative is to either A) live life believing that death is literally THE END of your cognition (which is technically a possible reality, but I don't see how one benefits in that assumption, especially given the evidence of the contrary) or B) live life knowing The Truth but not walking in it, and risk losing out on something that you may eternally regret. I believe we have lots to lose out on. Most of us, that is. There are a select few Christians who will receive The Choicest Meat from God's table. The VIP Rooms of Heaven will be a relativity puny number and The rest of us may someday enter those rooms, much like the luxury cars that come loaded with the newest and greatest features; those features eventually are found in basic entry level vehicles. While the Common Man is driving what once was a luxury car, the new luxury cars are now loaded with features that didn't exist when the Common Cars' features were only available on luxury cars. That's not to imply God is going to make up cool stuff to show us when we get to Heaven just to make sure we don't get bored. All of Heaven exists. But if we take it all in -- how could we? -- then it'll look rather blurry and fuzzy and nothing will distinctly stand out.
The story of Adam & Eve and the lack of personality demonstrated is intentional, I do believe. As is the lack of personality demonstrated of God. We without Jesus and The Holy Spirit are so In The Wrong, and many of us either fail to recognize it or we try downplaying it with extremely weak justifications like "I'm not as bad as That guy......."
We as Christians do not automatically become The New Creation that is mentioned in The New Testament. We are A New Creation, but it is not a Finished specimen for many of us.
When we among us have become ambassador's of God's desire for justice, we may find ourselves learning more about the ins and outs of God's personalty. We may find ourselves able to listen to Him speak His mind and provide a window into His sense of humor and His fashion sense and taste in music etc. etc (I don't think He wears clothes, but who can say?)
But we, even those of us in The Christian Life, are not fully in line with God's pursuit of justice. Many/most of us struggle with greed and bitterness. I myself confess I do suspect I would be a lot less bitter feeling from time to time if I was more diligent in my Walk with Jesus. I truly do not deserve Salvation.
I thank you Lord Jesus, Father God and Holy Spirit for your undeserved kindness and generosity toward me.
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