Friday, December 18, 2020

"I know the date it happens, IT HAPPENS!"

 "The United States, especially since President Donald Trump entered the political fray, has become fertile soil for conspiracies. Aguirre didn't kill anyone that day, but that hardly means conspiracy theories are victimless crimes."


 The heck?  The definition of conspiracy is not "a crazy idea".  Conspiracies have happened and could very well be happening and continue to happen.  There's no law of physics or human nature that says a conspiracy is impossible or even unlikely.  The problem with many conspiracy theories is you can't prove them.  If a group of people were plotting to do evil to someone and had conspired with other people to make sure they could carry it out without being impeded upon, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW???  If someone did come upon some very convincing evidence of a conspiracy, it would be rare and would be easily dismissed simply because the likelyhood of whatever evidence having been found being strong enough to even indict someone is VERY slim.  At worst, it would be a precedent that might get looked into if someone ELSE ALSO finds equally convincing evidence.  And if one conspiracy were to be partially unmasked twice, I'd say the people involved in the conspiracy could've done better at covering their tracks and will probably get caught as time goes on.
Anyway...   I mean, what are these conspiracies really?  Where does the concept of due process get thrown out the window?  I know very wealthy people and people high up in the political ladder are fully capable of getting away with all kinds of stuff simply because of their ability to bribe and/or intimidate others.  But that's where voters need to be on alert and try to look beyond the surface and scrutinize any gaps in the candidates' claims.  Voters, unfortunately, don't do that most of the time, and after getting duped time and time again, they finally decided to choose a loudmouth superegotist over a coldblooded suit.  It's hard for me to say the political climate couldn't be worse.  I don't think Biden will accomplish much in his Presidency and as long as he doesn't screw everything up, that's fine by me.  It boggles my mind that people keep labeling even the most mundane things "sexist" or "racist".  Soon it's going to be "racist" to have laws outlawing cannibalism; either that OR it'll be racist to say that most cannibals have dark looking pigmentation.  Either cannibalism is socially acceptable or it's a crime committed by white people.  That seems to be the only two options in this "discussion" people are having.
I agree that white people, a good number of them(us) have not given equal treatment toward black people, and there's probably a good number of non racists who just don't understand the problem and have inadvertently contributed to the problem just by being ignorant of the problem.  Part of it probably has to do with the "white vs. black" equation that many people often draw.  It's not a simple matter of being racist vs. not, it's a matter of white people being vilified and that makes a lot of non racist white people lose interest in the matter.  There's also a lot of white people who are racist and simply refuse to acknowledge it.  My grandmother is one of those people.  Most racism is basically a matter of faulty math, i.e.: demographics, which is essentially noticing characteristics that differ from one group of people over another.  The fault in that is not noticing the similarities.  My brother in law says black women are bossy or something like that.  How many black women has he seen that match that description and how many black women has he seen that have an average ratio of demanding?  My mom says I don't let her say anything because I'm constantly interrupting her.  When she says that, I am so struggling to figure out how to get her mind rewound to 5 minutes ago and look back on the following five minutes; how many interruptions in that span of time?  maybe half an interruption where I was about to say something but realized I shouldn't.  Maybe not "five" minutes, always, but multiple minutes, 2 maybe 3 or 4...I usually assume we're having a conversation, i.e.: two people, talking...sometimes that may be an inaccurate assessment.  But if the numbers were more realistic, like it is with most modern racists, i.e." most black women are mouthy" instead of "ALL black women are mouthy", you'd have the same problem.  Maybe 50% of black women are mouthy.  Ok, so if that's that a higher percentage than of white women?  And if it is, so what?  I don't doubt that at least 25% of white women are bossy or in some way demanding.  Sure, they do it differently.  Black people of both("all") genders ("if" they even "have" a gender) tend to have more power behind their voice, even if they're just whispering.  For whatever reason --- I'm not judging, I'm just stating an observation --- black people have more muscle.  Obviously there's exceptions, let's not get nitpicky ey?  There might be 2 out of every 8 black people that doesn't match that description.  If so, I'm sorry for my exaggeration of the facts.  Again, that's something that I probably could stand to work on.  I honestly don't know what the muscle tone of most black people is because I don't survey each person's muscle mass and cross reference it with their ethnicity.  It just seems like something I've noticed, but like I said.........
Anyway.   Kind of got off track.


Idk why I'm still typing....I didn't really have much to talk about to begin with except that stupid OPED from CNN.  It's got a good point, overall, but conspiracies are real.  They may not be JFK or X-Files, but then again, the issue is not the conspiracies themselves or weather or not a particular conspiracy is indeed at work.  The issue is making decisions based on the assumption that a conspiracy is in play.  With no evidence, and certainly no proof.  THAT's what's insane about all this QAN etc. garbage.....People basically clinging to their worst nightmares while they're awake (and outside a movie theater).

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