Friday, December 4, 2020

You want good news, you got it!

 Damn.  Clicked blindly 5 or 6 times before finding the form with which to enter text.  What's up with everyone deactivating their borders?  If this entire mass of white space was the form, it'd make a little sense, but seriously IT'S NOT!!!!

Ok, I was getting ready to say;

Got a 19 song playlist up & ready on TIDAL.  It was made up of something like 17 songs.  I added like 9 and deleted at least 3.  or something.  You do the math.  Most likely all of the last 3 figures there are off.  Anyway.  It was a really good playlist to begin with, but then I made it like 3x better.  Wootwoot!
Getting my credit cards paid down and learning to live on much less money and also learning not to window shop as much.  I have a little more money than me & my sister agreed upon after she & I worked up a plan of recourse to get away from credit card debt that I've been racking up over the last 2 or 3 months.  Because I have almost double what the standard budget encompasses, I've been letting myself window shop a little more than I should otherwise be doing.  I'm still not just wasting time doing that, like making a hobby out of it like I'd been.  Or at least not nearly as much.
Seems like there was something else too, but my mind is going all over the place, mostly in negative directions, 'cuz....that's just the way tings is.  The destination of my eternity aside, and the indescribable goodness of God, who we as humans are to varying degrees separated from (I probably more so than I should be because of sexually immoral time expenditures), there's not a whole lot I can think of to talk about.  That third thing- which I **might've** already encompassed in what I've already typed - is not coming to mind right now............uhm.mmmmmm..........


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