Wednesday, July 2, 2008

stupid vs. evil

I still can't get over the last two Presidential elections; the last one had a Democrat who didn't really have anything to offer this country except he was waaaaaay better than his opponent, a Republican.

The election before that was pretty much the same except so much worse. The Democratic candidate not only had nothing to offer this country, but he told people he did or was all of these things that really had nothing to do with how good he was at running the country. Of course, now that same Democratic candidate is bullying people to agree with his global warming craze by making outlandish comparisons to the idea that Global Warming is way over exaggerated and the idea that the Earth is flat.

This election isn't AS bad as the last two, mainly b/c the Presidential nominee, as far as I know at least, isn't a power-hungry thug disguised in a "sophisticated" outfit. George W. Bush has manipulated just about every law in the book to get things in his favor, his favor being who knows what aside from continuing his fathers' Blood legacy. I don't know how any judge can be content with Valerie Plame's plight, and I certainly don't know how that judge (can't remember his name) can legally throw out a lawsuit against people intent on violating another's constitutional right(s) based on the grounds of "that's their job". Of course, he worded it a bit more lengthy than that, but that's what it all comes down to. And then his goons are suspected of crime(s) and Mr. W withholds documents that may or may not be incriminating based on "executive priviledge" (I give up on spelling that word correctly!!) and I don't even know what the heck that is! I guess checks and balances only applies to the President...hey, why don't I rub shoulders with Mr. W so I can get a job from him and then kill somebody and he can say "sorry, survielence tapes aren't accessible b/c of executive privilidge" (dang it, TWO words I can't spell in the SAME SENTENCE...but anyway...)

And I don't even know what to make of the Iraq War. I guess it is helpful, not just to us, but to the world in general (kill two birds with one stone, right?) to help stabilize Iraq and make it a more peaceful place to live while at least trying to root out the terrorist group(s) that committed the atrocities on the WTC & the attempted atrocities of the Pentagon HQ and the White House. I just don't see why the American people can make decisions about who can marry who, but they can't decide if thousands upon thousands of manpower units are killed and wounded.

If America wants to risk looking like wussies to Al Quida, then why can't we? They may be evil, but they're not stupid. They understand that Americans are spoiled and don't have a memory that lasts more than 6 months, why would they claim victory just b/c we ended a war that many who participated, and many who are funding the participation of, say should never have begun but haven't been able to do anything about b/c of this blockheaded President who insists he's a Christian who is intent on "leading" this country in a proper manner? If they really want a Holy War, then there's ways to avoid that. The CIA does a GREAT job at preventing these kinds of things, although they did slack off a bit prior to 9/11 and after the Cold War.

Barack Obama, like the last two Democratic would be Presidents, has little to nothing to offer this country. I have not heard ONE WORD of PLAN in his speakings quoted in any of the articles I've read. He's spent a great deal of time dissing Bill Clinton, since Hilary Clinton was at one time not all that long ago thought to be the obvious Presidential winner.

Evil is kind of like the Biblical definition of "good"; it works in mysterious ways, often times very subtle. Evil is not specific to ONE person; it's in everybody, some more than others. However, stupidity can take an entire infrastructure and destroy it as easily as knocking over a house of cards. And you can't blame anyone for a stupid person winning the Presidential election; intelligence, the ability to reason, is EXTREMELY difficult for like 70+% of this world to measure, b/c of several bias'.
However, EVIL can easily by blamed on those who voted for it. The information is out there; smear ads and "this is what/who I am" commercials are not going to tell you a damn thing. The positive commercials often times distort the facts and the smear ads often make things up out of thin air.
If there's any excuse anyone has for NOT voting, it's not "oh, the system doesn't work" because the only reason the system doesn't work is because people who believe that end up looking like the dumbasses who cried wolf, insisting upon doom and gloom, and the people who DON'T believe that are too freakin' gullable to notice what's going on. Voting is the only way to keep this garbage out.
There's a catch though; you need to know who you're voting for. It takes WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more research than watching a half hour or hour long news program. It can probably add up a month's worth of hours total.

If you can't make sure that our politicians are not drug dealers, murderers, imbezzlers or some other unscrupulous type of person/people, then why the heck are you voting?

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