Tuesday, September 14, 2010

well, I feel like I have something to say on the matter...

...even if I am talking to a brick wall or someone who fails at understanding or agreeing with me...

This concept, I guess I've referred to it b4; people are so damn hypocritical - they always wanna "vote" on IDEAS that have NO IMPACT on the people that vote on them - abortion, gay marriage, etc.; I mean, I know some Christians think they're gonna go to Hell if they don't limit other people's freedoms, but even the ones who don't think that still act like it's some sort of gift or duty or what-the-hell-ever (no idea what the motivation is, b/c apparantly I'm not worthy of an explanation, even though it COULD damn well impact me if I ever got up and got a life...) to vote "Pro-Life" (in a dumpster) rather than "Pro-Choice"...

But whatever. Most of these old farts like W. and W.H. will be dead some day long before I am, and their opinion will be inherited by a minority. Guess I can find solace in that...

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