Saturday, August 10, 2013

THE 1980'S - IN PICTURES [selected]

Is it me or did the sky in 1987 look different?
Maybe it's because I no longer live in California, near the ocean...
Maybe it's just me...all grown up and feeling rather bitter about my current set of circumstances, much like I did back in 1998, 1996, 1994, and 1992......
In the immortal words of Cinderella, "You don't know what you got 'til it's gone"

I saw a preview for STARMAN (1985) at the very very end of a cable-TV recording of GHOSTBUSTERS (after the credits ended) that my Grampa Bill (R.I.P. circa 1996) gave to me as a Xmas/New Year's gift along with GHOSTBUSTERS II (also ripped from cable, although half the credits for that one were missing 'cause he cut the recording too soon!!).  For some reason, I didn't see this, or the other previews included on the tape, until I was living with my mom's boyfriend circa 1995-1996.  At this time, my nostalgia for all things '80's was in full bloom and I would always savor the chance to spend time looking at the video cover-art for movies, primarily at a local video store called Video To Go.  I didn't actually see STARMAN until around 1999 or 2000, and I was thoroughly entertained by it.  I was watching it on Netflix streaming a couple or so years ago on my mom's Wii and found myself breathless over the saturation of 80's-ness.  It's almost like the '80's was more than fashion and trend, like it was a momentary celebration of life through vibrant colors and sound.  I really never understood fashion or trends.  For all I know, the fashionable trend WAS to celebrate life and people generally understood that vibrancy was the way to go?  I guess I'd have to travel back in time and ask Gena Davis or maybe Michael J. Fox...I'm not sure if they or any other mall rat of days past so long ago could give me a straight answer in the present day...

I also remember drooling over the different cover-art designs of 'yore', while at the mall or The Wherehouse.

IDK why this cover fascinated me so much.  But I could spend hours looking at.

And this one here is probably the freakiest Aerosmith cover-art ever.  It's like it's trying to make a statement that can be interpreted in a multitude of ways...It reminds me a lot of the Peter Gabriel era Genesis cover-art designs, which I also looked upon with freaky wonder.
No need to pick a freakiest Genesis cover - art.  They all had this freaky Mad Hatter design on the vinyl editions.

The middle of nowhere is freaky enough as it is without magnifying it and putting dancing turtles in the midst of it.

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