Monday, September 8, 2014

Meryl Streep playing Anne Hathaway who did such a good job playing The Every Woman in some movie that you're not watching...

...because you're busy at the moment watching Meryl Streep playing Anne Hathaway preparing to pretend to be Ms. Every Woman in some movie that you're not watching because you'd rather watch Meryl Streep pretend to be Anne Hathaway who pretended to be Mrs. Every Woman in some movie that you're not watching because you'd rather watch Meryl Streep.........

Or better yet, when Meryl Streep starts playing X Actress [XA from here on] who plays Mrs. X [MX from here on] in some GREAT MOVIE that never got made b/c Mr. Scribe [MS from here on] was too busy writing up some made up person who took credit for it, but in reality MS took credit for it and the actual product that he was writing, which, as I already stated, CONSISTS OF XA getting ready to play a movie that IS SO GREAT but never got made.
Everybody's getting paid to get excited about some movie that nobody in reality wants to make.  And if they did want to make it, LET'S WATCH IT!!!!  Why does some scribe need to detail some fictitious account of the making of it???  Furthermore, why does anybody want to see it?

Kinda like The Bible Part 2.  Where Jesus meets himself and starts carrying on a conversation with himself.  Meanwhile, that woman from Sumaria goes to the well and walks away, dying on her death bed without the historical encounter w/ God's son b/c Jesus was too caught up talking to himself...

Movies have gotten way too self serving.  Movies are for the common man.  Common people have no justification for wanting a fictionalized account of Hollywood.  It's a job.  If you're qualified to be a part of it, go out to California and do it.  If you're not, you can read non-fiction books detailing all of these worthless facts.  Movies about movies are a waste of time, and do nothing but service the egos of those who work in Hollywood movies.

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