Saturday, September 6, 2014

Your butt-kissing to admire...'cause it's all the rage back home, ya'know...

If you like Interpol, I suppose there's worse music that one could listen to, and I get the impression that as boring and scragglyassed as their music sounds, that the people in the band are up to no ill.  So whatever.  But so many people are raving about it and all they can say is "a return to form".  Does NOBODY except me notice that 75% of the lyrics consist of the same sentence?  "It's all the rage back home".  WHAT is all the rage back home?  WHY do we need so much emphasis on the fact that whatever the other lyrics are pertaining to happen to be all the rage back home?  I mean, did they write the track list to the CD prior to writing the lyrics themselves?

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