Sunday, May 29, 2016

FYI, I'm an uncle

My sister gave birth to my nephew Joseph yesterday.  I haven't blogged in so much time, I'd forgotten to let all you people whoever the heck you are know that my life has forever changed!  Well, not really.  I haven't even met him yet.  Yes, I'm a heartless old fart.  "How could you forsake your only child!"  Yeah, whatever.  I'll meet him when I have a reason to.  I'd prefer not to have to visit him at a hospital.  My sister had a terrible time.  He was supposed to be born on the 19th, so they put her in something called "induced labor", which still took over 24 hrs to get done w/.  Luckily, she's still alive, but she's got some wounding from the process --- the dude's 9.5 lbs!!! --- and the doc wants to make sure the antibiotics for the wound are fully absorbed and do what they're supposed to do before letting her back into the MUST DO HARM segment of planet Earth.
My sister probably has much more intense and detailed blogposts you can read.  As for me, I just hope the little interaction I do have with him in the future will not steer him away from The Lord's desire for him.  I hope this is the beginning of a happier chapter in the Cardwell/Stephens/Conway family tree.

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