Sunday, January 8, 2017

been awhile...again...

No church today b/c the weather.  No church -- for me -- last week b/c my mom was out of town and I didn't feel like trying to find someone willing to give me a ride.  I'm going to need to knuckle down and get serious.  At the tail end of the day, I got down to reading two entries of my one-year Bible I think I wrote of last month or late the one before.  I'm still not caught up, but if I get the same accomplished today, that fact will no longer be true, but of course will be true once again starting 12:00AM, which as of *right now* is 4 hours from now.  I can't say I'm moved beyond words to act, but I can just sense myself disassociating with Christian living.  The methodology of God seems to be warnings and promises.  I don't know why, but I don't feel compelled to act based on either.  I don't remember if I ever have been.  So where does that leave me?  Phone lines are open....

Been having a hard time to find music worth listening to.  Pandora on my blu ray player is so screwy.  It plays a song or two then starts playing another one, stops that song, and then proceeds to the next one.  This 2016 model LG player seems OK, I guess, but the apps are iffy.  The Amazon app streams GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) (from my video library) with a resolution that looks marginally better than 8-bit.  One concern I have about the blu ray playing component is when I tried to stream TAXI DRIVER (1976), the child lock feature had apparently been activated.  I don't know if that was from the previous owner or if this is like what was going on with the SONY blu ray players of 2016.  At least I was able to get the disc out of the player, so it's not quite the same problem the SONYs were having, and like I said, it could have been something the previous owner had set.  I'd imagine some DVDs and BDs, depending on the software they're made with, could evade the child lock mechanisms.  The CL was for both DVDs and BDs, so...uh...
Listening to this CD by...uh...not even sure...lemme check---a band called MuteMath; the album is VITALS.  Pretty boring stuff.  Singer sounds like he's on drugs and the keyboards are equally drugged sounding.  The melodies sound sorta emotional, but just aren't getting to me.  I started listening to it and haven't been disgusted by it enough to press 'stop'.  I'm using Amazon Music Unlimited b/c I got a $20 credit for buying a CD back in November.  I still got $4 credit to utilize, so I'll probably pay whatever $ they require on my billing date of January 29.  My Prime membership expries February 20, so I don't know if they'll charge me 30 days for $9.99 or 30 days for $7.99 (the rate for Prime members) or if they'll do a hybrid of the two, since I'll be a Prime member for 20 or so of those days and not a Prime member for the rest of 'em...
I ordered a Roku Express+ yesterday b/c of this b.s. with the apps.  Hopefully SONY will put out a worthy 2017 model and I can use that soon.  I got a Wal-Mart in-store credit card, with a $700 credit limit.
I actually ordered a SONY blu ray player most recently, but sent me an LG player instead.  What's weird is the LG player is higher priced at both Overstock and Amazon.  I contacted them and asked them if they would find out what happened and demand I send the player back, and in response they gave a $5 credit on a future purchase.  Yay.  I'm thinking of selling this LG player.  I'll probably hold onto it awhile longer.  Idk.

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