Friday, January 13, 2017


I read two entries in my 1Yr Bible yesterday afternoon.  It's helped put my mind at ease some, but I know I gotta get to it again today, as I'm still behind by like 5 days apprx (haven't counted 'em...) and I was behind by what seemed like a mountain.  It was probably only a week...I had last read January 6th, so it couldn't have been that long ago, because I was not caught up when I had last read from it.  I was almost caught up, so I think it must have been January 7th...hmm (January) 12 - 7(th)(of January) = 5...?  5 days?  Hmmmm...that doesn't sound right...and it's still not right, but anyway....idk....
I missed two weeks of church now.  I'm kind of afraid I'll enter the house of God w/o enough reverence or something.  The guy who sits beside me keeps asking "Are YOU OK?" after I ask him if he's OK and he's got this kind of worried look on his face.  Idk...maybe I'm misreading him.  Ugh.
Anyway.  I always get this way a little on Friday.  By "this way", I mean worried.  It's usually not so much about my spiritual composure or aura or whatever, but more related to the weight of it.  I go most of my week w/o any schedule.  Then Sunday comes up and I end up needing to be awake and ready to go.  Thankfully church doesn't start until after 10am.  We usually leave at apprx 10am, b/c it's a 25(+/-) drive to the church.  Most of the churches in the immediate area are Baptist churches, which are not my thing.  I haven't looked into the specifics, but my mom said that the baptist church has a bunch of member-bylaws or whatever they're called and not all of them are commanded by The Bible/God.  I doubt it's nearly as extreme as what had happened to Jewish law by the time Jesus had arrived, but I don't believe the commands that Paul gave to the Gentiles need to be expounded upon.  If they needed expounding, The Bible would have provided that expounding.  That's not to say The Bible doesn't expound upon them, but it doesn't expound upon them in list format and I think there's good reason for that.  The founders of this nation understood that reason which is why they fled from The Church Of England and made Christianity a choice rather than a government mandate.
Anyway.  The morning is still young.  I went to bed at 6:30 PM yesterday.  I was feeling really like stuffy headed or something...and had a headache + my teeth were all gunky feeling.  I had been neglecting my teeth big time.  I've never been good at just going ahead with brushing my teeth, and I've let them go even more so lately.  I brushed yesterday and the day before.  Here's hoping for Day 3.  And Day 2 of Bible reading.  >>>>GO GO GO!

Ok, I guess that's it.

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