Tuesday, January 10, 2017


I got this stupid email at 1:04 PM today (eastern time).  It's from PayPal and the subject line says "Thanks for your generosity".  What generosity?  The answer seems to be null.

Taken from the email:

Thanks for supporting your favorite cause with PayPal this holiday season. You and millions of others helped to make 2016 one of the biggest holiday online giving seasons ever. We are grateful for our generous community of users.

Yeah, uh...what?  I have no idea what that's about.  I have no interest in "charitable organizations" aka "charities".  The work most of them, almost all of them, do is minimal and costs the donors way more than it ought to because the people doing it are doing it for the money.  The CEO of United Way and all these things makes millions of dollars of donations from people.  There is nothing the United Way does that the U.S. gov't couldn't do just as efficiently with higher taxation of the citizens.  I don't support all of the money the gov't spends on everything, but I can comprehend that I am not in the majority in that line of thinking and that cancer research and environmental impact studies and peace talks between nations at war are deemed worthy of the billions upon billions upon billions that we spend on that stuff.  I'm not against cancer research, nor am I against understanding the environment, but surely if the gov't is expected to pay for it, can't anyone with these concerns fund these things individually?  The gov't is not what makes America great.  The gov't gives and nobody is considering the cost.  If cancer research is important, then a free country is able to decide that on its own and make its own fate with its decisions.
So yeah.  I don't recall being a part of whatever b.s. this email is referring to.  I did donate to The Salvation Army several times in 2016.  There are so many charities that do the same thing with a much higher paid CEO & co and thus more overhead.  The Salvation Army spends very little on advertising.  You know The Salvation Army exists because they get out there and they ring the bells every Christmas and Thanksgiving.  For some reason it's not good enough to donate to them.  Why?  Obviously there's some things they don't budget for, like "raising awareness" about racial issues and animal abuse...the hatred and oppression that occur in this world are not going to go away because of any charity that pops up.  God can change an individual's heart but the consequences of past sin and the shortcomings that even sincere hardcore Christians face make a sin free world an impracticality.  God will eventually have to destroy the planet because the sin in this world will eventually accelerate into a filthy swamp of tar.

You'll probably have to scroll to the bottom of this blog post to see the rest of what I'm talking about here onward.  Their "thanks" for something I do not condone much less participate in is apparently targeted to the same demographic...
Seriously, just type the word "coupon" and there's pages upon pages of results that come up.
These sites are sometimes useless in and of themselves depending on what coupons are being offered at any given retailer and what retailer you want to shop with/at, but these PayPal coupons are totally garbage.  There's one midpage w/ the WalMart banner.  It says "save 30% on rollbacks and free s/h with $50 purchase".  WalMart.com offers free s/h with a $50 purchase.  That is not a "deal" anymore so than "don't kill me and you won't go to prison" is a "deal".  Just any handshake or a signed contract is not newsworthy.  People barely take notice when the President is sworn in.  Why?  Same reason the privacy policy on most websites go unread (by most people).  IT'S NOT IMPORTANT.  I'd like to just tell Google "SHOOT THEM IF THEY TRY TO COME ACROSS THE GATE AGAIN!", but I don't think Google is sophisticated enough to offer such a service even if you were willing to pay for it.  The correlating "Unsubscribe" button would cut me off from "NEWS" ****AND**** promotions.  If people can't quit being idiots, at least show some respect for people who aren't as smart as Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking but are still pretty damn smart in comparison to whatever people read and found use from this email.

A little something for you.
As thanks for your generosity, we want to share these savings with you. Shop deals.              

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