Monday, February 13, 2017


...b/c I might get kicked off Amazon if I just copy/paste the texts...

It's nice to see humanity in smart-mode.

AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL: REDISCOVERING WHAT MADE THIS NATION GREAT is a title brimming with false hope.  This nation is not the be all end all of God's creation.  The be all end all of God's creation are His citizens.  "Heaven and earth will pass away", which means we'll still have to relocate when we (Christians) get into Heaven.  But God values us as individuals, not residents of Tea Time or Coffee Date or Gingerbread Marketsquare...location means nothing and the understanding of God's word means very little, although it is fun to try to understand it and it is personally rewarding for the time between now and when I see the Father and can dwell with Him intimately and experience His splendor in ways I cannot even imagine.

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