Saturday, May 27, 2017

10 out of 7......

Read 10 entries of my one year Bible this week.  5 of those were in one day (Sunday).  I read two yesterday and two the day before.  I'm now *a little less than* one month behind.  Well...I see progress.  Not a lot.  But hey...hey what?  You mean you don't know?!  O well...I'm too tired for this.
my mom is sick with a stomach bug passed from my brother in law who got it from my sister.  My mom seems to think she won't be up to going to church despite medicine that's supposed to help.  She thinks I'll probably be sick by tomorrow morning.  Kaopectate is not for people allergic to asprin.  I'm allergic to asprin.  Here goes nothing...maybe.  Here's hoping my immune system can withstand it.  My nephew is not sick -- yet (?).......I guess that's Gods' way of giving my sister His seal of approval... idk...
I was reading Judges.  Was so confused at first.  This guy cut up his wife into 12 pieces and mailed one of them to each of the 12 tribes of Israel.  It didn't say that she was dead before he cut her up until like 2 or 3 paragraphs later.  I was thinking "was this guy batstick crazy or what?!"  I was relieved when it stated she was dead at first.  I was seriously scratching my head on that one.  Granted, the way she died was brutal to say the least, but at least she wasn't dead & many are in this world...It is sickening that the tribe of Benjamin was willing to harbor the perpetrators, for reasons that weren't explained in the text itself...that kind of thing also happens in today's world as well, unfortunately...It doesn't make it any less sickening, it just makes it easier, for me at least, to file away in my head as a redundant file, and since my brain is not the most efficient computer, both files, the original and the redundant one, tend to get pushed into the back of the filing cabinet.  I'm using metaphors, btw, in case you were confused as to weather or not there was a file cabinet lodged into my, there isn't;...

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