Monday, January 8, 2018

i'm back...

Went to Missouri to visit my gramma over the Christmas time.
Was there for 3.5 days apprx.
Managed to survive the trip with my Mom to Missouri ***AND*** the trip back with my sis & my broNlaw.
Surprisingly the trip back seemed infinitely longer....the way to wasn't so bad.  The way back.....seriously have no idea why it seemed so long......I guess 'cause my big fat mouth wasn't engaged as much.  Me and mama just talked most of the way there.

My uncle John has wifi!  He was forced to either get wifi or not have internet at all...or something...he explained it and that's how I interpreted it, but I don't remember exactly what he said.  It doesn't make sense to me either.....something regarding the ports on his computer being incompatible with a direct/wired connection.....idk.....

I got back on the 26th in the late afternoon.
Managed to have one last visit with my old church before Pastor Jeremy leaves to be closer with his parents and his wife's parents who are both direly ill.  It'll be interesting to visit and see how the church is getting along without him.  I couldn't believe it --- Keith, one of the guys I bonded with a little over the small group study of THE STORY --- is not going there anymore, for reasons I don't really understand.  My gramma was explaining it roughly, but I think I missed part of what she said, so the little she said was that much more vague, so...anyway.....

One of the people at that church used to assist in my special ed class back in junior high.  She seemed hopeful that I'd be spending 2 or 3 weeks in Missouri...I told her I'd be there a few days.  She's cool.  She posts a lot of political stuff on Facebook, some of it is interesting, some of it is just b.s., but I'm sure she has her reasons for posting it.  One post was asking Republicans to back Trump for re-election in 2020 no matter what......or something like that........I can so easily list a number of possible reasons that may arise that would cause me to not re-elect Trump on top of the reasons that already are known to exist for not electing him in the first place.....which of course were ignored by (slightly) over half the nation......which makes sense in an election where the stakes are so high, I either have Clinton winning or....Clinton NOT winning.  My mom goes a little overboard in her reactions to people, but she has been an anti-Hilary advocate long before she had any qualms with Bill Clinton.  The only real qualm she seems to have with Bill is that he's married to Hilary and that he's a Democrat (pro-choice).  I've never heard her say anything concrete about Bill that would come across as a revelation.  And I myself know nothing about him other than what he looks like.  I was a tween when he was in office, I guess I was just turning legal age when he left and i'm now 34 years old and I still don't keep up with the news as much as I should.  I know more about Donald Trump than I ever did/do about Bill Clinton tho.  As a kid, throughout the vast majority of it, I relished my freedom to BE a kid and it seriously confuses me when people call babies selfish for waking people up in the middle of the night crying.  Is it really selfish to keep yourself from dying of starvation?  Or to let people know you need comfort and/or emotional support?  It seems to me the selfishness would be exemplified in wishing a baby could shut up and go to sleep & let you do likewise.  It's not a baby's role to bear its cross and lead humanity to Christ's promise of eternal life.  
Not to suggest in such rhetoric that I'm intending a defense for my emotional immaturity, in case it may seem that way....


Missed church yesterday.  God called it off for the day. I had been praying this prayer that the congregation was called by the pastor to pray daily at 3:58, I succeeded Monday - Thurs.  Fri  Sat I was asleep at least one of those days at 3:58 P.M.  I don't know if I was napping both days at that time or not...I think I was, but I'm not sure.  I had been feeling so pathetic and dour, having not read The Bible and wasting my days away doing practically nothing.
I did find out midmorning today that the Oak Hills Church channel Is functional on my Roku Express+.  I had tried a couple times over the past month or so to use it, and to no avail.  I watched about 2/3 of a sermon.  A guest preacher was on the one I watched.  He had some good points to make about the book of Joshua, focusing on Chapter 10, verse 6.  He stated something about people's disbelief in that section of God's word I had caught myself almost thinking.  He said something to the effect of
Some people read that and think "Uh....I don't know about that....Surely it's just a metaphor or something..."  It is a pretty bold statement of faith on the part of Joshua and the will of God to honor prayer.  A lot of prayers are given to God in a narrow perspective.  My Aunt Marie was a devout and faithful follower of Christ most of, if not all of, her life and she died a slow creeping death.  My mom was upset by it at the time, but she knew at the time that Aunt Marie was acting as a witness of the truth through that entire time she spent in the hospital -- not just a relayer of fact, but an effective conduit of The Holy Spirit of God.  My mom should be respected for her ability to see that and be glad for it.  I myself had no close relationship with Aunt Marie, and people dying just doesn't effect me for some reason.  I guess if my mom died, it'd be a big wound.  I know I was really sad when I had to say goodbye to my cat Napoleon.  I was a little less sad when his companion Harrison died, but not as much because I knew he was having health issues and I think in my gut I knew he was not happy being without Napoleon.  He did in fact die a few months after Napoleon did.  That was just a sad time for me in general with all that happening.  But if Napoleon is burning in Hell it's entirely my fault for living a life of unrepentant sin and raising him in that environment.  I can only hope that he's just gone, not in Heaven or Hell, because honestly, it just doesn't make sense that pets would be entering Heaven.  That's not to say I would call God a liar if I did meet him in Heaven, but if I don't see him, I'd be willing to accept that as well...I know from reading God's word that God does not exempt animals from the consequences of sin.  Snakes -- not just THE serpent but the SNAKE SPECIES -- slithers on the ground eating dust all its days because of the actions that one snake made long long ago.  Granted, humanity bore a much greater punishment for its sin.  But God didn't say "oh, well, you can't help yourself..........." to the serpent.

Seems like I should have a ton more to write.
Maybe soon.
I hope (sigh)

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