Thursday, November 29, 2018

Bestseller Steven

CD Universe had a banner on their homepage that was recently taken down, a link featuring Stephen King - based movies & TV series on DVD and Blu ray.
It stood for almost a month if not more, and apparantly nobody noticed his name was mispelled.  They had it spelled Steven King.  I finally got around to emailing them about that earlier today and they responded saying that was a typo and they were working to fix it immediately.  They seemed grateful for me pointing it out, but now I feel rather sorrowful that I didn't let them know sooner.  Obviously I was the only one who gave enough of a damn to let them know they'd made a mistake there, but maybe it's not so obvious.  How many people, I wonder, thought they'd entered some kind of Somalian pirate operation when they saw Stephen King's name misspelled?  At best, one might suspect CD Universe to be some brat teenager operating from his parents' garage or something, not knowing a lick about how to efficiently run a mail order retail operation.  I guess The World may Never know.

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