Sunday, October 4, 2020

Did he lose his mind or something? / No, he never had one

 Perhaps you'd know if you knew what I knew, knowing what I know,

 that everything was once -- but not always, just sometimes,

 like times that are time but not time, 

kind of like seas that roll over and fall back into their potato chip bag, 

like it never even happened

You would know,


but I see 

that you DO know!


I see it

I can see your heart beat faster

Like Ronnie said

I see!  Do not like, to me.  DO NOT LIE to me!

For I see what I see like I see everything

Do you doubt?


The sea can see you see it's so

So don't be so      Soapy!  

I know what you do.

You do it all the time and you don't even care

Why?  WHY don't you care?  Do you dare?  Don't!  Don't you DARE!  Do not dare deny a denouncement of apathy!

How could you?

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