Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 I don't really know what to say...  I know I should not get so frakn ayenge'ry about fraKn anything much less at the qty and depth I do.  

I don't think I said anything dishonest although I might've unduly characterized certain things or over simplified unjustly etc etc.....

Had a productive counseling session today.  At least I think.  Time will tell if it's actually helpful.  I think this guy who has ventured to help me with my sinful patterns of behavior will be a good guide in my life.  I can already see it.  The biggest obstacle is my own dullness of heart and stubbornness.

On a separate note, I don't know how, but I managed to burn 100+ calories today without even going for a walk.  I ate a lot more calories today than I did yesterday tho.  Yesterday I actually ate **mayyyyybe** 2,000 calories... I really don't think it was more than that.  I ate lunch at IHOP today, that's where we had the counseling session.  So that was 1.2k calories right there.  And then I had three sandwiches for dinner.  Breakfast was somewhere between there ie two sandwiches.  Then I had a couple eggs and a protein drink at the lake afternoon time, 2:30ish.

Not much else to say about anything... I'm supposed to be trying to get to sleep... I'm typing this on my phone...rrk!  Ok.weyll...g'nite

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