Monday, July 3, 2023

dancing on the floor of a taxi cab

There's been a crack of progress in my daily living the past week or so.  I can't remember exactly what day I did what, but I remember, over the past 14 days, there's been *at least* 4 days where I wasn't blatantly sinning against The Lord.  I know I was on relatively good behavior Friday and Saturday of this past week.  It seems like I remember early in that same week, I was also on fairly good behavior, like Tuesday and Wednesday, I think.....I'm fairly certain it was the same week, and then of course the week before that I was probably well behaved one or more of the days of that week, too, so I'm definitely seeing progress.  I broke out of that narrow path midmorning today...I was in the middle of a Bible study yesterday and I had that gunk floating in my head.  I was kinda sorta planning on it.  :/
So I got some progress to be made for sure just in this one area.  My mind needs all this crap flushed out of it, but unfortunately the only way to accomplish that is a complete detox.  I just don't know how to do that.  If I were more of a reader, that might be completely doable.
God's been good to me.  He's always good to me.  I just need to learn how to be more contemplative, aware, of His goodness, and PRIASE Him for all of it!  And stop this madness(!)

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