Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Everything I do...

 Sunday school teacher a couple weeks ago said that Christianity is dedicating everything you do to God.  I tried expressing my disagreement with that, pointing out an activity he enjoys, and how that activity does nothing for God.  But supposedly that's counted as part of that because "God wants us to enjoy ourselves". Totally beside the point.  I seriously don't understand how one can't distinguish the difference.  Non Christians enjoy themselves.  They do so regardless of whether they should.  I don't understand how that's any different with Christians.  If everything a Christian did were for God, having the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling, how is it possible for a Christian to sin?  People respond "Because we're sinful". You can't have it both ways.  You either live 100% for God or you don't.  The only other possibility for sins against The King is demonic possession.  It'd be one thing if God were some random guy that happened to be King, but He's not.  He's loving, He's kind, He's fighting for us and desires nothing for us except the absolute best.  How does one end up boasting or coveting or committing any of the extra evil sins of sexual immorality when God is one's King?  Technically God is everyone's king.  That is why every knee shall bow and every tongue confess it to be.  Because it is true, regardless of mankind's acts of treason.  Regardless of their faith or lack thereof.

It's really annoying going to church sometimes with all of the exaggerations and oversimplified statements.  I make myself sick thinking about them.  I don't know how to just accept all of it and move on.

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