Saturday, April 11, 2009


YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS? I'll tell you: Ghostbusters incense burner(s)! I mean, why the heck not? Ghostbusters has such a fanatical fanbase, just as much as any God or religion, but I guess I'm one of the very few who thinks Ghostbusters is worth more than The Bible or whathaveyou...
I googled it and couldn't find anything. All I found is a bunch of music-related incense burners, and as much as I love music, the music that was branded on the incense burners wasn't really my thing. I'm not really into the 60's and 70's music; I prefer alternative music of the 80's and more melodic stuff. I sort of a Genesis fan, I also like indie rock band Trespassers William. But I'm not devoted to any of those bands, nor do I have any reason to be. To my knowledge, there is no band/artist who hits a home run with every album they make/have made...
Anyway...GHOSTBUSTERS means a lot to me, for one. It has an interesting premise, with a lot of scientific and religious overtones...and it's been a part of my life longer than any piece of music that I know. I was obsessed to the point of insanity in my early youth, and I'd like to say I got locked up in an insane asylum b/c of it, but that'd be a bit of a stretch...
I'm not as devoted to Ghostbusters anymore, mostly b/c I'm just kinda "blah" when it comes to emotions, but incense is cool; it's powerful and has a lot of religious history, and so does Ghostbusters. Why can't the two be marketed beside each other? Instead of smart and sophisticated pop culture such as that, they put Cheech And Chong incense burners on the market, as if only people who do drugs are interested in incense...
I've actually never bought incense, but I really should. My sister had a orange-soda scented candle and dang did it smell awesome! It seems like I saw a really cool incense burner at some store I was at somewhere a while ago, but I can't remember what it looked like or anything about it...
The best days I remember are the ones where the weather had a slant to it; like there was something in the air that permeated my brain with unusual & good sensations...incense probably won't take the place of occurances such as those, but it can get me closer, more often...
I doubt anyone's reading this, so if/when I get my Stimulus $, I might ask around and find somebody to make a kick-a$$ Ghostbusters themed incense burner.

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