Unto my nose comes the scents of autumn
Winter is approaching, slowly
The crisp air makes its acquaintance with my nostrils
I feel no complaint as I stroll down the street on my way to the convenience store to acquire a morning latte
I make my way back home and enter the house
The sun has made its way through the skies at last and I feel like celebration
Melodies from the previous autumn enter my heart and flood my head
It’s all about yesteryear, since nothing has changed
I’m living here and now, but I might as well be living in the past
I guess I’m doing both
Strange how nothing goes as it should
Or maybe there really is something I could do
Something to make this year special?
Well, I guess there’s still time
Sunset is many hours away
I suppose life is a series of coincidences
Much of the previous year was aided by people I met
Nobody I planned on meeting
Some of it was aided by tools and services
None of which I planned on discovering
I guess this year will be memorable in its own way
I have my family
My sister’s leaving forever, but she spent nine months of it still here
I moved in with my mother since she can’t afford to not live with my sister, who bought a house that she can’t afford to keep making payments on unless she stays here, which she can’t do, because her husband forbids it
So I live with my mother, so to speak
It’s all good though
I probably will never marry, as sad as it sounds
But I feel OK with that.
I knew for many years that I’m weird
So damn weird
So it is
It took a little bit of time for me to accept it
But I’ve done that much
And Thanksgiving and Christmas have yet to arrive
Oh, and did I mention 2009 is the year of the arrival of the first post-1994 car I’ve ever ridden in on a long term basis?
My so-called friend in high school [we only hung out during school hours, and only saw each other once or twice after graduation, which after reading a passage or two in A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks, strikes me as not much of a friendship, although if it were still the way it was then I might beg to differ…] let me ride around the block in his car. I don’t remember what it was but it wasn’t the ratty old cars my mom’s been driving in the last 20 years give or take a couple…
So…the melodies and sentiments within me are at least partially rooted in the past
Maybe next year I’ll be reminiscing on Cartel’s newest CD (CYCLES)
Maybe I’ll love it more then than I do now
It’ll be awesome
And nostalgic
October 31st, 2009
You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous
Saturday, October 31, 2009
- Various - Ghostbusters Original Soundtrack Album
- Various - Nightmare Revisited
- The Academy Is… - Fast Times At Barrington High
- American Football - s/t
- Armor For Sleep - Dream To Make Believe
- Armor For Sleep - What To Do When You Are Dead
- Better Than Ezra - How Does Your Garden Grow?
- Jackson Browne - The Next Voice You Hear: The Best Of
- Cartel - Chroma
- Cartel - Cycles
- Cold - Year Of The Spider
- Phil Collins - Both Sides
- Counting Crows - Recovering The Satellites
- Counting Crows - This Desert Life
- Dashboard Confessional - The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
- Genesis - s/t
- Genesis - Invisible Touch
- Genesis - Live/The Way We Walk Volume One: The Shorts
- Genesis - Live/The Way We Walk Volume Two: The Longs
- The Goo Goo Dolls - A Boy Named Goo
- The Graham Colton Band - Drive
- Hidden In Plain View - Resolution
- Billy Joel - Greatest Hits Vol. III
- Avril Lavigne - Let Go
- Aimee Mann - The Forgotten Arm
- Oingo Boingo - Nothing To Fear
- Oingo Boingo - Skeletons In The Closet: The Best Of
- Rush - Power Windows
- Saves The Day - Stay What You Are
- Semisonic- Feeling Strangely Fine
- Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You
- Senses Fail - Life Is Not A Waiting Room
- Simon & Garfunkle - Bookends
- Paul Simon - Graceland
- The Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It
- Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends
- Third Eye Blind - Blue
- Toto - Toto IV
- Trespassers William - Different Stars
- Trespassers William - Having
- Virginwool- Open Heart Surgery
- The Wallflowers - Bringing Down The Horse
paper chase & more...
I had The Academy Is...'s "Paper Chase" stuck in my heart a few minutes or so ago so I thought "should I buy the MP3 or the whole album?"...I decided I should listen to it on Imeem and then decide. I'm doing that now. Album! Except I'm out of $ until tuned!
- Various - Nightmare Revisited
- The Academy Is… - Fast Times At Barrington High
- American Football - s/t
- Armor For Sleep - Dream To Make Believe
- Armor For Sleep - What To Do When You Are Dead
- Jackson Browne - The Next Voice You Hear: The Best Of
- Cartel - Chroma
- Cartel - Cycles
- Cold - Year Of The Spider
- Phil Collins - Both Sides
- Counting Crows - Recovering The Satellites
- Counting Crows - This Desert Life
- Dashboard Confessional - The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
- Genesis - s/t
- Genesis - Invisible Touch
- The Goo Goo Dolls - A Boy Named Goo
- The Graham Colton Band - Drive
- Hidden In Plain View - Resolution
- Billy Joel - Greatest Hits Vol. III
- Avril Lavigne - Let Go
- Aimee Mann - The Forgotten Arm
- Rush - Power Windows
- Saves The Day - Stay What You Are
- Semisonic - Feeling Strangely Fine
- Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You
- Senses Fail - Life Is Not A Waiting Room
- Simon & Garfunkle - Bookends
- Paul Simon - Graceland
- The Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It
- Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends
- Third Eye Blind - Blue
- Toto - Toto IV
- Trespassers William - Having
- Virginwool- Open Heart Surgery
- The Wallflowers - Bringing Down The Horse
[rolls eyes]
Yeah, music should be AMAZING, infused with life, infusing life unto said listener, and there are several CDs that have done that for me, but it all mostly depends on where I'm at in life and what mood I'm in. However stupid it is, nostalgia is probably the most commonly felt strong emotion I encounter. So I guess it's important, to me. So it'd be kinda dumb to throw away or discard music that has been pivotal at crucial points in my the time I moved out from my mom's house in 2004, where Cold's YEAR OF THE SPIDER was a source of sympathy for that time. And the time I got my second cat, Harrison, and I felt sad that my First cat, Napoleon, wasn't getting the fulfillment I'd hoped he would because he was so angry at the situation. Aimee Mann's THE FORGOTTEN ARM was there for me then. And when I had recently graduated high school, Avril Lavigne's LET GO came out, and shortly before graduation her single "Complicated" was all over the radio. I've tried to remove any music that I have doubts about, music that I can't be sure of its emotional authenticity, such as Michael Jackson and The Grateful Dead etc., and have tried to remove any music that I've enjoyed purely for the "hype"/"cool" factor(s) and/or simply used it to pass the time away.
So here's the best I could think of;
So here's the best I could think of;
- Armor For Sleep - Dream To Make Believe
- Armor For Sleep - What To Do When You Are Dead
- Jackson Browne - The Next Voice You Hear: The Best Of
- Cartel - Chroma
- Cartel - Cycles
- Cold - Year Of The Spider
- Phil Collins - Both Sides
- Counting Crows - This Desert Life
- Dashboard Confessional - The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
- Genesis - s/t
- Genesis - Invisible Touch
- The Goo Goo Dolls - A Boy Named Goo
- The Graham Colton Band - Drive
- Hidden In Plain View - Resolution
- Avril Lavigne - Let Go
- Aimee Mann - The Forgotten Arm
- Rush - Power Windows
- Saves The Day - Stay What You Are
- Semisonic- Feeling Strangely Fine
- Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You
- Simon & Garfunkle - Bookends
- The Starting Line - Say It Like You Mean It
- Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends
- Third Eye Blind - Blue
- Toto - Toto IV
- Trespassers William - Having
- Virginwool- Open Heart Surgery
- The Wallflowers - Bringing Down The Horse
Friday, October 30, 2009
People say it - "I do", that is - all the time. Jack and Sue never understood it. Until they decided they couldn't live without each other, at least not without poor sleep and some serious illnesses deriving from poor dieting and exercise, not to mention constant sorrow...
It was true. They meant it. They really did.
Sue was a devout Christian. She didn't just read her Bible, she felt it, almost breathed it. She knew what most people would say about getting married on Halloween, that it was bad luck; many would wonder if she and her husband were secretly a part of a cult. She saw it as something to eclipse Halloween, something bigger, so big she'd forget Halloween existed. New acquaintances, some perhaps to become friends, would ask "What are you doing this Halloween?" and she'd say "celebrating my anniversary", and these acquaintances would hear the melt in her voice, the sound of something beautiful and special.
Less than two years after their anniversary, Sue had died in a car crash. She was dead before she was in the hospital. It was a busy street and half the people on it, including Sue, did not have their minds fully attendant to the road.
It was August 22nd, 2011 when she was taken from Jack. He spent most of his time indoors, in constant sorrow as he knew he would without Sue in his life. They were both rather young, mid-20's; it wasn't logical, but it was nonetheless. Jack tried to uplift himself with the thought that she was in a better place. But Jack knew she had everything she ever dreamed of in the life she already had, not to mention he couldn't envision what this place was like. Heaven. Where exactly had his wife been taken??!?! He didn't know. The Bible provided no hint.
Halloween was once again around the corner. To Jack it was more sinister than ever. He looked out his window and saw kids dressed as witches and cats and such; the costumes were designed to look colorful and happy. He watched them through his window. It seemed like they were headed somewhere...
He decided to remove himself from his indoor outhouse - the smell resulting from his lack of care towards cleaning after months of nothing to live for would suggest that much - and follow the dressed up kids.
It didn't take long before they suspected he was following them and they turned a corner. Jack followed them. this happened about 3 or 4 times before he found himself in a dungeon of some sort. He heard laughing. Then he heard horrified cries of someone unable to fathom their pain. He regained his eyesight and saw a kid, about 11, tied and chained to the ceiling. An apple was placed in his mouth with tape around it. He was bleeding.
The cells in Jack's body were suddenly confused, the fiber in his body turning warm with rage and terror. One of the kids approached the 11 year old with a shovel. Jack took it from his hands and with about one and a half seconds worth of consideration, smacked the child with it.
the child lay dead in his own blood, head severed but still partially connected. It was Jack who called 9-1-1 after realizing what a fool he'd been. Kids are innocent, of course; it takes a negative influence or many of them to bring about this level of savageness. Jack sobbed and apologized, but he'd done the deed and jail time he served, until he died of malnutrition, presumably now with his loved one, wherever that is...
The End
It was true. They meant it. They really did.
Sue was a devout Christian. She didn't just read her Bible, she felt it, almost breathed it. She knew what most people would say about getting married on Halloween, that it was bad luck; many would wonder if she and her husband were secretly a part of a cult. She saw it as something to eclipse Halloween, something bigger, so big she'd forget Halloween existed. New acquaintances, some perhaps to become friends, would ask "What are you doing this Halloween?" and she'd say "celebrating my anniversary", and these acquaintances would hear the melt in her voice, the sound of something beautiful and special.
Less than two years after their anniversary, Sue had died in a car crash. She was dead before she was in the hospital. It was a busy street and half the people on it, including Sue, did not have their minds fully attendant to the road.
It was August 22nd, 2011 when she was taken from Jack. He spent most of his time indoors, in constant sorrow as he knew he would without Sue in his life. They were both rather young, mid-20's; it wasn't logical, but it was nonetheless. Jack tried to uplift himself with the thought that she was in a better place. But Jack knew she had everything she ever dreamed of in the life she already had, not to mention he couldn't envision what this place was like. Heaven. Where exactly had his wife been taken??!?! He didn't know. The Bible provided no hint.
Halloween was once again around the corner. To Jack it was more sinister than ever. He looked out his window and saw kids dressed as witches and cats and such; the costumes were designed to look colorful and happy. He watched them through his window. It seemed like they were headed somewhere...
He decided to remove himself from his indoor outhouse - the smell resulting from his lack of care towards cleaning after months of nothing to live for would suggest that much - and follow the dressed up kids.
It didn't take long before they suspected he was following them and they turned a corner. Jack followed them. this happened about 3 or 4 times before he found himself in a dungeon of some sort. He heard laughing. Then he heard horrified cries of someone unable to fathom their pain. He regained his eyesight and saw a kid, about 11, tied and chained to the ceiling. An apple was placed in his mouth with tape around it. He was bleeding.
The cells in Jack's body were suddenly confused, the fiber in his body turning warm with rage and terror. One of the kids approached the 11 year old with a shovel. Jack took it from his hands and with about one and a half seconds worth of consideration, smacked the child with it.
the child lay dead in his own blood, head severed but still partially connected. It was Jack who called 9-1-1 after realizing what a fool he'd been. Kids are innocent, of course; it takes a negative influence or many of them to bring about this level of savageness. Jack sobbed and apologized, but he'd done the deed and jail time he served, until he died of malnutrition, presumably now with his loved one, wherever that is...
The End
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
morbid intrigue
Perhaps that should be considered a genre all its own? Of course not. Genres are either so broad they overlap QUITE frequently or they end up pointlessly specific. Who ever would have had the brains in the early 20th century, during the infancy of films/Hollywood, to coin genre-names based on what kind of appeal it has! A lot of things hadn't even been done, weren't ALLOWED to be done in those early days, and people didn't know jack about human motives, and people still don't, although less so than those days.
I'm reading Nobakav, oh, wait, just double checked, NABOKOV (how on earth does on pronounce that?!), 's classic novel LOLITA, after reading a small series of thoughts on the book by some author who had written a book that (gasp!) ISN'T chick-lit(!)...some whoknowswhat was interviewing this author who had written some book and asking her if it would be considered "chick lit" and she was saying how she was encouraged to take up the task of having a deeply repelling yet slightly sympathetic narrator out of having read books such as LOLITA and she was like "Is LOLITA chick-lit?" which I thought was kinda funny, but anyway. But that brought my attention to memories of what little of the original Stanley Kubrick-directed film I saw back in high school (I got bored with it and ejected the tape...) and I remembered there was some guy, like, getting ready to shoot somebody or something at the beginning of the film, which I thought and still think was intriguing b/c it has, at face value, nothing to do with the seedy elements of the book...and then I remembered being totally clueless to the fact that the title character of the 1997 remake was a prostitute, until some guy I knew pointed out that she was. I asked him if he knew anything about the book and he was like "well, I know it's about a prostitute." And I was like "no, it's about a old guy who falls for a 12 year old". And he was "yeah, the 12 year old was a prostitute". In the film at least, the "prostitute" seemed like the sort of person who was rather indifferent to weather or not she was or wasn't a prostitute, making everything out to be some kind of game or joke. All of these elements combined, when I threw them together, sounded like the kind of thing that would easily fill a 300+ page book. I mean, all these little details about the people, and sub-plots etc., and best of all (so far), in the Foreward of the book, which lasts about 7 pages or so, it is said to be a warning of where society is headed, with children going astray, mothers who don't mother, and, of course, sick men with ill will...looks like not very many people took those warnings seriously...darn sad if you ask me.
I'm 34 pages into it within less than 12 hours of having the book in my room. So far it's pretty much some sicko documenting his sick experiences and thoughts and providing some background info of where he was and what he was doing otherwise. It's intriguing, in a sick sort of way, but hopefully there'll be more of a story going on as the book goes on...
I'm reading Nobakav, oh, wait, just double checked, NABOKOV (how on earth does on pronounce that?!), 's classic novel LOLITA, after reading a small series of thoughts on the book by some author who had written a book that (gasp!) ISN'T chick-lit(!)...some whoknowswhat was interviewing this author who had written some book and asking her if it would be considered "chick lit" and she was saying how she was encouraged to take up the task of having a deeply repelling yet slightly sympathetic narrator out of having read books such as LOLITA and she was like "Is LOLITA chick-lit?" which I thought was kinda funny, but anyway. But that brought my attention to memories of what little of the original Stanley Kubrick-directed film I saw back in high school (I got bored with it and ejected the tape...) and I remembered there was some guy, like, getting ready to shoot somebody or something at the beginning of the film, which I thought and still think was intriguing b/c it has, at face value, nothing to do with the seedy elements of the book...and then I remembered being totally clueless to the fact that the title character of the 1997 remake was a prostitute, until some guy I knew pointed out that she was. I asked him if he knew anything about the book and he was like "well, I know it's about a prostitute." And I was like "no, it's about a old guy who falls for a 12 year old". And he was "yeah, the 12 year old was a prostitute". In the film at least, the "prostitute" seemed like the sort of person who was rather indifferent to weather or not she was or wasn't a prostitute, making everything out to be some kind of game or joke. All of these elements combined, when I threw them together, sounded like the kind of thing that would easily fill a 300+ page book. I mean, all these little details about the people, and sub-plots etc., and best of all (so far), in the Foreward of the book, which lasts about 7 pages or so, it is said to be a warning of where society is headed, with children going astray, mothers who don't mother, and, of course, sick men with ill will...looks like not very many people took those warnings seriously...darn sad if you ask me.
I'm 34 pages into it within less than 12 hours of having the book in my room. So far it's pretty much some sicko documenting his sick experiences and thoughts and providing some background info of where he was and what he was doing otherwise. It's intriguing, in a sick sort of way, but hopefully there'll be more of a story going on as the book goes on...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
there's 12 CDs in my "to have and to buy" list, CDs I should either have or buy, aka have-in-the-future...two of them begin with the letter A (the artist names, not the titles), 1 begins with D, 2 begin with the letter G, one letter H, another letter O, another letter R, and the rest begin with T. Of course, those are just the beginning letters, quite a few other letters are used, but not all of them. Supposing my musical tastes are better than everyone else's, which just about everyone tells me is impossible, which i partially agree with, although it's usually tempting to imagine a scientific & political combo committee taking all things into account and based on logic/science and concepts of morality that are supported by science and aren't just silly things like "gay people suck" or whatever, deciding what kinds of music are good, and from that point onward, perhaps music experts, people who understand musical structure and how music effects the brain etc., weed out the crap and mankind could have nothing but whipped creme! IMAGINE!
But back to what I was saying; SUPPOSING (although this is kinda far fetched, 'cause I admit the CDs in my list aren't even A-MA-ZING, with the exception of Hidden In Plain View's RESOLUTION, which perhaps could have been better in some minor(?) ways) my CD collection is concrete, what else in this world is so important that the letters that aren't used up in my list are needed for? I mean, there's words that have "x" in them, but why? Seems like man kind could spell xylophone without the letter "x"; and don't tell me THE X-FILES wouldn't exist without the letter "X" because the whole reason that show was named THE X-FILES is because the FBI squad that housed the file folder the show was named after NAMED THE FOLDER what it was ("the x-files", duh) only because there weren't any other folders with the letter "X". If that stupid "X" didn't need to be recognized, they say the file folder would have been called "Unknown" or something like that...SO! -- anyway;
I mean, what are most words exactly, is what I started thinking about, not just WHY do "certain letters" need to exist, but why do the words themselves exist, I wonder? I mean, the brand names of cars, details about planets and little aspects of the world, people's body parts, clothing styles...I mean, what's the point of even talking about any of these things?
But then again...guess it'd also be pointless to talk about music...I mean, you listen to it, you don't have much reason to talk about it...what's to say? "Your opinion?" "Yes." Or "Why did I like that song?" "Who knows..."...
It's really all trivial. People criticize the 80's as being the "me" generation, and point towards the music of the time like "girls just want to have fun" and "material girl". But, if the materials of the world weren't so important, what would be the point of working 6-8 hours a day on average and sleeping 9 of the other hours? That only leaves 7 hours to really get anything done otherwise, and you still gotta clean, so you don't get sick and or die, consuming at least another hour, leaving six total, and for such a small chunk of time you got all this money collected meant specifically for that window of time, and what of it? Of course, you can use that money to pay for services instead of goods, like a concert or...idk...but still;
The point is, people (some;) talk about the "important" things in life, but what are they? If anything in life wasn't important, A LOT of jobs would be non existent, because at least a few dozen people out there in the world are gonna look at different areas of the economy (animal behavior and/or other kinds of sciences; fashion; literature and/or other forms of entertainment) and either say that their work isn't important enough to warrant "that kind" of income and other people, although probably not as many will say that/those job(s) shouldn't even exist.
I guess the world would be nicer if people were deeper in their mindset and could be comfortable giving to those who can't find a solid employment opportunity. Heck, maybe the number of hours people work could be cut by 1/4! but then where would the money come from? the treasurer, of course! I guess it'd be kinda like a socialist gov't, where people did their part and had just enough money to buy the basics and a little extra for concerts and what ever else...but anyone who was willing to work longer hours could make more money, just depending on how generous they are towards society. The way things are now, it seems like "doing your job" often requires TAKING FROM society.
But back to what I was saying; SUPPOSING (although this is kinda far fetched, 'cause I admit the CDs in my list aren't even A-MA-ZING, with the exception of Hidden In Plain View's RESOLUTION, which perhaps could have been better in some minor(?) ways) my CD collection is concrete, what else in this world is so important that the letters that aren't used up in my list are needed for? I mean, there's words that have "x" in them, but why? Seems like man kind could spell xylophone without the letter "x"; and don't tell me THE X-FILES wouldn't exist without the letter "X" because the whole reason that show was named THE X-FILES is because the FBI squad that housed the file folder the show was named after NAMED THE FOLDER what it was ("the x-files", duh) only because there weren't any other folders with the letter "X". If that stupid "X" didn't need to be recognized, they say the file folder would have been called "Unknown" or something like that...SO! -- anyway;
I mean, what are most words exactly, is what I started thinking about, not just WHY do "certain letters" need to exist, but why do the words themselves exist, I wonder? I mean, the brand names of cars, details about planets and little aspects of the world, people's body parts, clothing styles...I mean, what's the point of even talking about any of these things?
But then again...guess it'd also be pointless to talk about music...I mean, you listen to it, you don't have much reason to talk about it...what's to say? "Your opinion?" "Yes." Or "Why did I like that song?" "Who knows..."...
It's really all trivial. People criticize the 80's as being the "me" generation, and point towards the music of the time like "girls just want to have fun" and "material girl". But, if the materials of the world weren't so important, what would be the point of working 6-8 hours a day on average and sleeping 9 of the other hours? That only leaves 7 hours to really get anything done otherwise, and you still gotta clean, so you don't get sick and or die, consuming at least another hour, leaving six total, and for such a small chunk of time you got all this money collected meant specifically for that window of time, and what of it? Of course, you can use that money to pay for services instead of goods, like a concert or...idk...but still;
The point is, people (some;) talk about the "important" things in life, but what are they? If anything in life wasn't important, A LOT of jobs would be non existent, because at least a few dozen people out there in the world are gonna look at different areas of the economy (animal behavior and/or other kinds of sciences; fashion; literature and/or other forms of entertainment) and either say that their work isn't important enough to warrant "that kind" of income and other people, although probably not as many will say that/those job(s) shouldn't even exist.
I guess the world would be nicer if people were deeper in their mindset and could be comfortable giving to those who can't find a solid employment opportunity. Heck, maybe the number of hours people work could be cut by 1/4! but then where would the money come from? the treasurer, of course! I guess it'd be kinda like a socialist gov't, where people did their part and had just enough money to buy the basics and a little extra for concerts and what ever else...but anyone who was willing to work longer hours could make more money, just depending on how generous they are towards society. The way things are now, it seems like "doing your job" often requires TAKING FROM society.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
so you say THE OFFICE isn't funny?
just to be clear I AM NOT A RACIST! When I say "cartoony black people..." that DOES NOT mean "all black people are cartoony"...just gotta put this disclaimer up so Blogger doesn't delete this post for being hateful or whatnot...this post is mainly meant to describe my attitude about life and the things within it that I care about...
I posted this on, and I'm posting it here 'cause when I was writing it, I didn't expect to conjure up an explanation for why I chose not to see AUSTEN POWERS 3. But I think within the below text is the reason why. I mean, like it or not, I'm not black, never was, am not nor ever was so deeply immersed in "black culture" to understand or appreciate the whole "Foxy Brown"/blacksploitation movement (OK, Foxy Brown wasn't a movement, but I don't know the actual word I'm trying to say so moving right along?). I also managed to come up with a good list of comedies that I LIKE vs. ones that I DON'T like. Why don't or do I like/not-like them? Well, that's for you to decide if you dare enter the ream of - psychoanalysis - gasp!
Ok, this sorry-ass intro is longer than the PC post (I think?)...
The Office is quite funny, at least it was...there was this one period in time when I was for some reason watching TV *A LOT* more than I do now, but I've kinda lost track of The Office. I guess it's a generational thing? I personally don't think GB1 or 2 is all that funny. It has a light-hearted and humorous atmosphere, but there aren't any parts where I just think back and chuckle or explode with laughter. There's a lot of films that were made in the 80's, comedies, that I just don't think are funny. Beverly Hills Cop, most of Eddie Murphy's other movies (although it seems like Trading Places had some funny moments, just don't remember them it's been years since I've seen that movie, so that might be an exception), Spies Like Us, Christmas Vacation...then I think of movies that came out when I was a preteen & teenager, like Mrs. Doubtfire, Liar Liar, and Austen Powers 1 & 2 (I never saw the third one, 'cause the whole Foxy Brown parody has absolutely no relevance to me; when I think of the '70's, I think of the Vietnam protesting, gritty movies with smoke and fog, and brick buildings, not some cartoony black people who confuse their head with a light offense, but I'll take the no-frills hair like The Beatles had on the LET IT BE album cover over the overthetop blowout known as the afro. But then again, the whole disco era was kinda dumb, IMO. Not that I like the punk movement any better...I guess when I think "the '70's" I think of the first half before the war ended and movies started becoming products rather than art and music lost its will to experiment and/or be beautiful).
I posted this on, and I'm posting it here 'cause when I was writing it, I didn't expect to conjure up an explanation for why I chose not to see AUSTEN POWERS 3. But I think within the below text is the reason why. I mean, like it or not, I'm not black, never was, am not nor ever was so deeply immersed in "black culture" to understand or appreciate the whole "Foxy Brown"/blacksploitation movement (OK, Foxy Brown wasn't a movement, but I don't know the actual word I'm trying to say so moving right along?). I also managed to come up with a good list of comedies that I LIKE vs. ones that I DON'T like. Why don't or do I like/not-like them? Well, that's for you to decide if you dare enter the ream of - psychoanalysis - gasp!
Ok, this sorry-ass intro is longer than the PC post (I think?)...
The Office is quite funny, at least it was...there was this one period in time when I was for some reason watching TV *A LOT* more than I do now, but I've kinda lost track of The Office. I guess it's a generational thing? I personally don't think GB1 or 2 is all that funny. It has a light-hearted and humorous atmosphere, but there aren't any parts where I just think back and chuckle or explode with laughter. There's a lot of films that were made in the 80's, comedies, that I just don't think are funny. Beverly Hills Cop, most of Eddie Murphy's other movies (although it seems like Trading Places had some funny moments, just don't remember them it's been years since I've seen that movie, so that might be an exception), Spies Like Us, Christmas Vacation...then I think of movies that came out when I was a preteen & teenager, like Mrs. Doubtfire, Liar Liar, and Austen Powers 1 & 2 (I never saw the third one, 'cause the whole Foxy Brown parody has absolutely no relevance to me; when I think of the '70's, I think of the Vietnam protesting, gritty movies with smoke and fog, and brick buildings, not some cartoony black people who confuse their head with a light offense, but I'll take the no-frills hair like The Beatles had on the LET IT BE album cover over the overthetop blowout known as the afro. But then again, the whole disco era was kinda dumb, IMO. Not that I like the punk movement any better...I guess when I think "the '70's" I think of the first half before the war ended and movies started becoming products rather than art and music lost its will to experiment and/or be beautiful).
as far as I can see...
There's some crucial things I don't really understand; I don't understand the Earth's inner workings all that well, I don't understand the specific actions certain people and types thereof make at given times, and some elements of socializing I don't get, such as "tack" and the three ideas one should avoid talking about (religion, politics and sex, three of the most interesting things, IMO, BTW)...
But I do understand that an object in rest will remain that way until put into motion, and an object in motion will stay that way until stopped. And I have every reason to believe that "object" includes brain cells. Brain cells are what make us do what we do, and think what we say and don't say; the things we do/say/think are called "choices" because there's about a million and a half ways to do everything one can do. You can drive a car with your head and one hand; you can drive a car with your head and two hands; you can drive a car with sticks; what kind of stick? Gosh, how many kinds of sticks are there? How many ways could I be typing what I'm saying?
The Good Book, as they call it, has a lot of wisdom and insight and all that. But the very first installment of it ("Genesis"), in its early pages, nullifies any claims of it being a "non-fiction" book in the honest sense of the term "non-fiction". Most, if not all, NF books have lies in them. Many of those lies are intentional, many are not. I think The Bible - Genesis through Revelations - IS a good book; as mankind goes on turning its back from it and not replacing it with just as authoratative (sp??) religious text, and sometimes/usually not replacing it at all, I can see the evidence that mankind, for the most part, is not smart enough to live Good without "God". People can be smart enough, but they need their brain to be exercised, which doesn't happen very often with numerous upon numerous HOURS EACH DAY of television and stockpiles of fast food and junk food and "health" food that isn't healthy...but are the claims that each and every human being that has ever lived is either going to Hell or Heaven? Sure, if people like Hitler were the only ones that went to Hell, what would be the harm in that idea? But that's not what The Bible teaches. it does everything but say flat out - and maybe it does say flat out somewhere in the thousands of pages of writing - that 99% of people WILL GO to Hell. Ok, maybe 99% is a heavy over-estimate, but maybe it's not...99% figure is based on not only the growing number of atheists and agnostics, but the fact that ONE of the two - be it the Catholics or the Protestants, both of 'em swear it's the other one - has a fictionalized Bible, meaning its a lot of the same stuff but with different stuff added in/taken out/revised...and then of course, the Jews, that's a lot of people, the Muslims, and everyone who reads The Bible but doesn't "get it" or whatever...
This idea would be scary enough to turn myself away from Jesus/God/The Bible...but the fact that it's supported by this fantasy-laden concept of "free will", as if we HAVE the way and mean to weed out bad influences and carefully choose one vs. whatever-other...We don't. Mankind, given enough good influence, can choose to remove their own influences. But if mankind has ever had that kind of good enough influence, it's been a loooooooooong time. And I really don't know of any way we can go back to that way of doing things. Maybe the U.S.A. can become a "tyrannical" gov't and have our Child Services take children away from their Evil-Willed Non-believer-influencors, but...I don't even think that would do any good. Who'se going to fund/support this tyranny? So far, gov't seems to be going for a universal scientific religion, a new way for all to believe without seeming "old fashioned"/"superstitious", which would be great if someone could go on TV and rally for it without the threat of censorship or lynching - another sign that most Christians aren't "real" Christians.
I don't wish The Bible'd never been written. My Mom somewhat let her stubbornness rest a bit and gave into the idea of Christianity, after years of resisting it, and now she not only has hope of a better future but some "Real" friends as well, who support her ideas. My sister and I talked about giving a f*** about religion and "meaning" and whatnot, and she freely admitted that she is, in fact, spiritual in nature, and that she cannot rest easy without having an idea of what it's all about, so to speak. But neither of those things apply to me, for I do fine by myself most of the time, and have family that I rely on to let me socialize with, and I guess I'm just "thick-headed"(?) when it comes to whatever my spirit, if i have one, is telling me.
Of note, however, is the piling number of "evidence" to suggest God of The Bible is real and The Bible tells no lies...most of these things are somewhat convincing, although they can be debunked, although not easily by people who wish to believe, evidence or no evidence, and, really, it's not even easy for someone like me. Superstition is easier to dabble in than cold-turkey reality. It's easy to get your heartrate up slightly at the mention of "13" or "Fri,13" or "The Boogeyman" or whatever tease fancies the internal rat racing on the wheel, at least for me. It seems like, if movies are ANY indication whatsoever of what crazy things people do/say/think in real life, that a lot of people tend to get caught up in small details and not look at the big picture or keep their eye on the ball so to speak. My mom tells me "God puts gas in the car". I think "why would she say that if she was absolutely sure she didn't forget how much gas was in the car or mis-read the meter or the meter mis-displayed the information...?", but, the answer to that IS pretty simple, for me, who knows my Mom fairly well. And the fact of the matter is, as I have illustrated here, the root concepts of The Bible, particularly the beginning and the end, just don't match the the kind of history that a All Knowing and All Powerful God - with Mercy to boot(!) - would have any part in.
But I do understand that an object in rest will remain that way until put into motion, and an object in motion will stay that way until stopped. And I have every reason to believe that "object" includes brain cells. Brain cells are what make us do what we do, and think what we say and don't say; the things we do/say/think are called "choices" because there's about a million and a half ways to do everything one can do. You can drive a car with your head and one hand; you can drive a car with your head and two hands; you can drive a car with sticks; what kind of stick? Gosh, how many kinds of sticks are there? How many ways could I be typing what I'm saying?
The Good Book, as they call it, has a lot of wisdom and insight and all that. But the very first installment of it ("Genesis"), in its early pages, nullifies any claims of it being a "non-fiction" book in the honest sense of the term "non-fiction". Most, if not all, NF books have lies in them. Many of those lies are intentional, many are not. I think The Bible - Genesis through Revelations - IS a good book; as mankind goes on turning its back from it and not replacing it with just as authoratative (sp??) religious text, and sometimes/usually not replacing it at all, I can see the evidence that mankind, for the most part, is not smart enough to live Good without "God". People can be smart enough, but they need their brain to be exercised, which doesn't happen very often with numerous upon numerous HOURS EACH DAY of television and stockpiles of fast food and junk food and "health" food that isn't healthy...but are the claims that each and every human being that has ever lived is either going to Hell or Heaven? Sure, if people like Hitler were the only ones that went to Hell, what would be the harm in that idea? But that's not what The Bible teaches. it does everything but say flat out - and maybe it does say flat out somewhere in the thousands of pages of writing - that 99% of people WILL GO to Hell. Ok, maybe 99% is a heavy over-estimate, but maybe it's not...99% figure is based on not only the growing number of atheists and agnostics, but the fact that ONE of the two - be it the Catholics or the Protestants, both of 'em swear it's the other one - has a fictionalized Bible, meaning its a lot of the same stuff but with different stuff added in/taken out/revised...and then of course, the Jews, that's a lot of people, the Muslims, and everyone who reads The Bible but doesn't "get it" or whatever...
This idea would be scary enough to turn myself away from Jesus/God/The Bible...but the fact that it's supported by this fantasy-laden concept of "free will", as if we HAVE the way and mean to weed out bad influences and carefully choose one vs. whatever-other...We don't. Mankind, given enough good influence, can choose to remove their own influences. But if mankind has ever had that kind of good enough influence, it's been a loooooooooong time. And I really don't know of any way we can go back to that way of doing things. Maybe the U.S.A. can become a "tyrannical" gov't and have our Child Services take children away from their Evil-Willed Non-believer-influencors, but...I don't even think that would do any good. Who'se going to fund/support this tyranny? So far, gov't seems to be going for a universal scientific religion, a new way for all to believe without seeming "old fashioned"/"superstitious", which would be great if someone could go on TV and rally for it without the threat of censorship or lynching - another sign that most Christians aren't "real" Christians.
I don't wish The Bible'd never been written. My Mom somewhat let her stubbornness rest a bit and gave into the idea of Christianity, after years of resisting it, and now she not only has hope of a better future but some "Real" friends as well, who support her ideas. My sister and I talked about giving a f*** about religion and "meaning" and whatnot, and she freely admitted that she is, in fact, spiritual in nature, and that she cannot rest easy without having an idea of what it's all about, so to speak. But neither of those things apply to me, for I do fine by myself most of the time, and have family that I rely on to let me socialize with, and I guess I'm just "thick-headed"(?) when it comes to whatever my spirit, if i have one, is telling me.
Of note, however, is the piling number of "evidence" to suggest God of The Bible is real and The Bible tells no lies...most of these things are somewhat convincing, although they can be debunked, although not easily by people who wish to believe, evidence or no evidence, and, really, it's not even easy for someone like me. Superstition is easier to dabble in than cold-turkey reality. It's easy to get your heartrate up slightly at the mention of "13" or "Fri,13" or "The Boogeyman" or whatever tease fancies the internal rat racing on the wheel, at least for me. It seems like, if movies are ANY indication whatsoever of what crazy things people do/say/think in real life, that a lot of people tend to get caught up in small details and not look at the big picture or keep their eye on the ball so to speak. My mom tells me "God puts gas in the car". I think "why would she say that if she was absolutely sure she didn't forget how much gas was in the car or mis-read the meter or the meter mis-displayed the information...?", but, the answer to that IS pretty simple, for me, who knows my Mom fairly well. And the fact of the matter is, as I have illustrated here, the root concepts of The Bible, particularly the beginning and the end, just don't match the the kind of history that a All Knowing and All Powerful God - with Mercy to boot(!) - would have any part in.
Monday, October 5, 2009

No kidding, I've gained almost 10 pounds this past month...
That aside, I found a kick-aliss thing at Spencer's gift shop, a GHOSTBUSTERS belt buckle! I don't think it's designed to go with the belt I already have, which I was thinking of when marveling over it in person, so I looked around and noticed, whatdayaknow!, BELTS(!) to go along with my potentially-newfound belt-buckle purchase!! Of course, although it's "only" the 5th, I'm already out of money and then some.
kinda weird, in a cool yet scary way, it's made out of porcelain or something...would it shatter if it fell?
ALSO GOT A BUDDHA INCENSE BURNER!! It's the tall kind, not those retarded flatsters (I made that term up myself, I do not intend to know what "they" call "those" "kinds" of incense burners...). I don't have any incense yet, gotta get some of that in November. I found it for $10 at Spencer's!! It was "originally" $15, which wasn't a bad price, IMO (?)...
I hope they're still selling GHOSTBUSTERS belt buckles in 2010. This year is the GHOSTBUSTERS 25th anniversary, so all this GB mini-mania is around...which is a lot better than where it was like 10 years ago (which was virtually nowhere). I say 2010, 'cause I don't think I'll have enough money for the rest of this year to buy a GB belt buckle and a new belt...WELL, I guess I could buy the belt buckle, then hold off on the belt...hmmmm...
OH! AAAAAAAAAND I found a GBII shirt at Hot Topic in the mall!!! That and the mini-gift-card (Target) with the puffy TV-image that says "Happy Birthday" inside it would make my birthday (coming Nov. 20th) indeed very happy. I doubt I'll get both, unless the gift card has nothing or almost so on it...
gosh, the marketplace never ends...maybe some of this schiznit will be on sale closer to the holidays? I remember last Xmas season thinking "They always have tons of great sales...", but, in all honesty, I don't remember why I was thinking that...what was the big thing(s) I couldn't have? Stay tuned...
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