Sunday, May 22, 2011

altered opinion...

I don't know why I'm so anxious to have a "hi end" audio setup.  It's simply NOT gonna happen.  I want to see how long my TV lasts, I don't care about fullHD or whatever, but I would like to see A CLOCKWORK ORANGE in its correct aspect ratio and see THE LAST UNICORN uncensored w/o being a fugitive for having a region free DVD player in my home......and it would be cool to have a blu ray player with internet apps that matter i.e. pandora, netflix etc.  I don't think I'll convert every movie I want to own to blu ray, if I end up needing to, so what?  At least I'll still have the packaging to look at (depending on what movie it is; a lot of movies these days have really pathetic packaging...).
  But having SACD playback is totally pointless, there aren't even any SACDs worth owning, IMO.  SACD is for people who get hung up on "how it sounds" and not just how it FEELS to listen to it.  I guess I'm just more into cathartic music, vs. that middle of the road jazzrock/progrock/artrock of the 70's and 80's.  Not to say that the 70s and 80s didn't have good music.  Joy Division's debut came out in 1979...oh, yeah - and Pink Floyd is a pretty good band, but DARK SIDE OF THE MOON is probably the most overrated album EVER.  The last two or three songs are totally meandering b.s..  I much prefer their ECHOES retrospective, even if it is missing a few "key" tracks...
  I might want to own the Denon rec'er in my previous post - no matter what you listen to, the little things do make an impact...but I surely don't need a Plasma right now and I don't need a $500 blu ray player either...

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