Tuesday, May 10, 2011

my first bluray player - returned

I returned my Magnavox Blu ray player.  I used it every day since I bought it, but not for movies.  It was essentially just a CD player with movie-watching capacities.  The only thing I'll miss out on b/c of this is seeing A CLOCKWORK ORANGE in its correct aspect ratio.  That can surely wait 'til...whenever $75 isn't such a large amount of money in my eyes.  I will hopefully get apprx $500++ in January or February of 2012, but I might need to give that to my sister to help out with paying a deposit on whatever apartment I move into after the house I live in now is bought, supposing that even happens...but anyway...if it takes a whole 3 years for this house to sell, that'll just mean it's gonna be awhile before I can afford a blu ray player.  So what?  i enjoyed A CLOCKWORK ORANGE w/o seeing it in its correct aspect ratio.  Heck, if I could rent movies on VHS, I'd just use my VCR to watch GHOSTBUSTERS and whatever else even though most VHS tapes are in Full Screen.

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