Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why do we even have public school?

The concept of capitalism is supposedly so much better than communism b/c it enables everyone to have equal opportunity.  Try telling that to the Republicans of North Carolina who refuse to pay for preschool b/c it's a type of welfare, with nothing to say against the notion that it will over time cut the cost of tax payers by churning out less adult welfare recipients, more high-earning citizens (who in turn pay more sales tax), and more people who don't need prison funding
That's aside from the general higher quality of life that the GOP isn't interested in hearing about.
Isn't that why we have public school in the first place?  If not, I'd sure like to know why 1/4th of taxpayers' money is paying for it when it's been sorely lacking for the past 30 years. this nothing more than stupidity or something more sinister at work here?
Then the Republican talk shows & Fox News either take some quack/fluke study to prove the opposite point or they just don't talk about it.
Why is the House of Representatives hijacked by these evil-doers?
Heck if I know.  It seems to me that well over half of the people in this country are total idiots, but who am I to say...

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