Monday, October 28, 2013

My valued opinions

So far I've accumulated $8.75 in my Valued Opinions account.  I just got done receiving payment from ABC Gift Cards for a Macy's gift card I redeemed with my Valued Opinions acct balance.  Was a slow and painful experience.  Yet until I realized how ridiculous this whole thing is, I was feeling optimistic about the future...I guess the more I have now, provided I don't squander it in a flurry of haste like I often do, the more well off I'll be when the gov't shuts the lights on me.  I really need to consider my purchases more carefully.  Dang it.  I just realized something else.  Avril Lavigne's upcoming self titled CD is not worth buying!  "Rock n' Roll" is the only song of hers I've heard so far from that CD that's beyond mediocre good.  I'll need to sample it b4 I buy it, if I do.  Phew, that's one down and I Just need to buy Xmas gifts.  I'm not getting anyone very much, but it still cuts a lot from my budget.  It doesn't really matter though; if it wren't for Xmas shopping, there'd be none at all.  I'd just give it all to my sister or waste it...
I might buy the STAR WAS trilogy on VHS, the un-"special" edition...other than that, my CD and DVD collection is complete...I have all my life-changing favs; BRINGING OUT THE DEAD, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, GHOSTBUSTERS, THE LAST UNICORN and Gregg Araki's nOWHERE.  There's other really really good movies, but those are the ones I watch repeatedly, that is not to say "all the time", since I still do get tired of all of those movies if I see them more than once or twice a year.  I have E.T. and THE EXORCIST on VHS, and a few other movies on VHS and DVD, and I have probably more CDs than I need, and some books, and, for now, a gigantic selection of books to choose from @ the library, including DISGRACE by Coetze, which I'm re-starting b/c I had read 30 or so pages of it several months ago and forgot where I left off, and to some extent what I've read within those pages.  I'll probably keep reading Perlman's SEVEN TYPES OF AMBIGUITY sporadically, until when/if the library burns down and the townsfolk nor gov't have the money to re-build it and replenish the shelves.

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