Friday, October 11, 2013

PALMS - PALMS (2013)

PALMS by the band Palms features the vocalist for Deftones and doesn't star a jagged lineup of smashed guitars.  Yet it has almost 5/5 stars on Amazon.  Wow.  You'd think in a world where mainstream rock listeners are all blaring their mp3 players in a pursuit to show off their lack of wussiness and pop listeners (and most mainstream rock) gets spat on by "indie" music lovers and then mainstream and alternative rock gets weird looks from pop music listeners that you'd see a bunch of posts on Amazon saying "Palms is lame, not what I would expect from Chino" or "Palms are a bunch of wussies" or "Palms isn't real rock, it's just lightweight pop fluff".
It's good to see a bunch of open minded folk, but at the same time, it's kind of creepy...

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