Sunday, August 31, 2014

Calling all Larry J. Ables to the cliff-edge for annual waste disposal...

Larry J Ables posted a "Review" Of Ozzy Osbourne's upcoming DVD set MEMOIRS OF A MADMAN that makes absolutely NO F***ING SENSE!!!  He says it is the ultimate collection of Ozzy's music videos and concert footage.  I can only hope that he meant "the best" instead of "the ultimate", but regardless, that's not what he said.  He said ULTIMATE.  A person can go on their computer and make their own "best" Ozzy collection, videos/clips or songs or both/all.  When you add the label Ultimate to something just b/c someone else made it for you all prettied up and boxed, what kind of message does that send to your fellow man?  What kind of message do your kids get out of that?  That you can just throw words out like they mean anything, "ultimate", "God/god", "Love", "Hate", "evil"...those are heavy words if you actually know what they mean.  If you disagree, then you obviously have no respect for your or anyone else's life and you're the kind of person who would commit manslaughter and have no need to cope with it b/c it wouldn't bother you that you took someone's life for reasons that could have been prevented had you been doing what you do the way you're supposed to do it (in the case of vehicular manslaughter, that would be driving...).  And for all those "types" of people that may be but are probably not reading this, please join Larry J. Ables and take a walk off your nearest high rise cliff.

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