Friday, November 21, 2014

Unsung Burn

My uncle Eddie, I found this afternoon, has decided to wash his hands of Best Buy.  I don't communicate with him often, but I asked my Gramma what to get him for Christmas and if he still shops at Best Buy, and she said he'd been stung a couple times so he's done w/ 'em or something like that...
I told Gramma of all the horror stories on the web regarding Best Buy.  She seemed unfased by all of it and I take it she didn't bother to tell Eddie about it.  I think I might have tried to tell Eddie about the whole web of sludge surrounding their name outside of their shiny conglomerated namesake, but I don't think it helped him.  Best Buy will continue to rake in money with no regard for its customers - loyal or otherwise - unless/until the ppl take a stand and quit shopping there.  People seem to think they are trustworthy because of the fact that every city has one and everyone knows their name.  People often forget that a recognizable name and face has no value.  People vote for their elected officials in the same manner often times; ignorant of voting records, just voting for whoever is the most charming or handsome.


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