Saturday, April 10, 2021

As if I needed to tell you...

I'm settled into my new place.  It's definitely a lot quieter than my old room.  No kids.  No one to talk to.  There's roommates here, but they're in their rooms, each keeping to themselves.
Probably should get some water to drink.  I haven't had ANYThing to drink for several hours now.
Man.  Coffee sounds good too.  Not as good as water, tho  Hmm.


Well...that's about it.  I don't everything unpacked quite, because I didn't quite bring everything with me.  There was a bin / box - thingy that had a bunch of my CDs and DVDs.  totally forgot about.  It didn't take long really.

Pretty cool tho.  Room is kind of small but it works.


Hopefully I'll be back in with my sister and my broNlaw before too long.  Just kind of depends.
The hardest part about all of this is my cat.  I couldn't bring her with me and I could tell she was just sad.  I did tell about a week ago when everything was being initiated that I would be leaving and unable to take her with me.  I think she understood me.  She had changed owners twice before, so I think she knows the drill.  It really just sickens me almost to think of it.  Anyway...I'll just have to see how she gets along with the other people.  I'm hoping my mom can foster / adopt her, but that ultimately depends on how she gets along with Bill, the household dog.  Shes almost scared of him because he's so intensely annoying.  She's just like "I really want to get out of here!".  So I open the safety gate (installed for the kiddos) and she rushes upstairs.  I don't think she's really afraid of him any more so than I am of technology not working like it's supposed to.  I think a housecat probably has a little bit of panic when they encounter situations they don't like because they don't know if they'll be able to respond appropriately and if they don't, what could happen?  Sophie doesn't want to attack the kids (the oldest one being almost 5 now), because things simply would not go well for her if she did.  But she doesn't know if she can hide either.  So she *tries* to hide.  But sometimes that's not possible before she gets cornered and instinctually does something that she knows intellectually that she shouldn't do.  As far as the dog goes, I think she might be a little afraid of him, just because she doesn't know how he would react to her getting violent with him or how I would react to her getting violent with him or how the dogs' owners would react.  And then there's a little bit of that "I just wanna go home!", I say "home", because the dog is usually on the main floor and Sophie is upstairs in my room.  They don't generally see each other a lot.  I think once Bill gets used to Sophie, Sophie will get used to Bill and Bill will get even more used to Sophie.  I hope.  Really hoping someone's head doesn't get bitten off.....
I guess that's about 1.  hehe.

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