Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Sundown - movie


This movie is absolutely pointless.  It begins with a close up view of a bunch of dying fish.  Maybe some people aren't bothered by that....  Amazon won't let me review it because they don't have proof that I watched it.  Some other obscure blog or movie website might also have this information.  The view lasts for several seconds out of context.  I don't mind an element of mystery in films but those first few seconds were literally nothing but mystery.  So many questions and so few answers.  You can assume that the answers will come if you want.  Movies are supposed to be entertaining.  Even if they're not feel good or fun, they should at least be on the same wavelength as the audience, communicating WITH the audience, not talking down to.  Continuing to watch this would be akin to battered wife syndrome.  But hey I guess such people do exist...

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