Wednesday, May 21, 2008

this is a WORD document that I decided to share with "the world"...

I just got Nirvana’s Nevermind and Counting Crows’ August And Everything After in the mail today (in one package), and was, unexpectedly, somewhat joyous at having them - for the millionth time.

If I had every CD I ever bought - as in KEPT every CD I ever bought - I’d have A LOT of CD’s. The fact is most of the ones I no longer have I’m fine with no longer having. But then there’s “awesome” CDs, Cds that would be awesome with or without cover art, that get BORING after 3 or 4 attentive listens. And I’m left with the memory of the taste, but no taste buds left (so to speak…). People’s answer to that is “buy MORE CDS”, but…WHAT Cds??? I do get tired of stuff quickly, but let’s just face the facts: junk is junk and 99% of what’s on the shelves at CD stores IS JUNK. It’s either too noisy, too “pretty”, or too “avant garde” (I.e.: ALL style, NO substance). Then there’s music like Radiohead that are just too DEPRESSING; I’m not talking about melancholy; I love melancholy. I’m talking about so sick of everything I could just DIE. And, sometimes I’m just too depressed to feel comforted by melancholy and too depressed to be uplifted by intrusive happiness…that’s when things really get confusing for me.

I have a list of 23 CDS; I wasn’t sure what to call the list, so I decided to write this essay/memoir/thingy to go with it. I need to know that most art, good or bad, IS pretentious and overly worshipped and priced. I need to know that I’m gonna look at my collection and want to throw up. I need to know that music isn’t what makes me happy, but rather music is what enhances the happiness I already have, when I do have it.

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