I've consumed 4 servings of 100% Pure Maple Syrup in the past 5 days...maybe.
I **tried** to combine a little bit of Sugar Free syrup and some Lite syrup with it, so I might still have a couple servings dispersed in various parts of the container that says it contains Lite syrup on the label.
So...let's see...
PMS has 52 carbs and the LS has 25 carbs (both mostly sugar!!!!), so that's 52 x 3?? (not sure how evenly divided they are, so here's hopin'....) = 156 w/ 25 = 181 divided by (no weird symbol thingy on my keyboard - !!!!) 5 = uh...just a sec (division is where doing math on paper gets tricky for me...actually, "long math" (is that what it's called? Where you have 3 digit #s multiplying themselves? Ugh...) is where my skills end...and then past division I have no skill whatsoever other than a fundamental understanding of fractions......ANYWAY:.......::: let's see: YO! 36.2; may as well round it up to 37.
Plus roughly 63 ? carbs from Fiber One pancakes = 100 carbs, plus 50 cards rice and 30 carbs from coffee w/ creamer etc. and hot chocolate and little odds like that, plus...eh...what have I been eating lately? Oatmeal and cream of what mainly, not usually in the same day unless I don't have rice...what would that be if you average it out? Mmm....FORTY! Ok, so I've been eating under 250 carbs a day...which is probably double what I should eat
I've been doing more in the exercise dept.
PUSHUPS (well, sorta;....I do "hand release pushups", I think...not sure if I do them right...I alternate from those to whatever those wussie pushups where you just hang in the air and move yourself up and down.....em...anyway)
And I've been jogging as of yesterday. I jogged for...uh...I wrote it down, I'm too lazy to go and look. today it was almost four minutes interspersed with 30? minutes of walking. I walked a lot less yesterday; about 10 minutes....or less.....arg...idk...!!!
Here's hoping someday I'll look like this guy
"is that all?"
Uh...I qualified for a SECOND $5 Amazon gift card this month!
I already got my 1st one yesterday or the day b4...I think it was Thursday...today's Saturday...I keep saying "uh"...the joke isn't funny anyomore is it?
It was really cool; I got like 200 Swagbucks just from doing web searches instead of going directly to the home page URL, and small things like that, and then I bought this coffee which the makers of apparently think is God's gift to the people who sell it 'cause it's soooooooooooo good you can't pass it up, so they're offering it free + $2.95 S&H. So: I paid $2.95 S&H for God's coffee, and got 340 Swagbucks, which pushed me WAY over what I needed to get a $5 Amazon gift card, so I STILL have 250 Swagbucks, which is over half of what's needed to get a $5 Amazon gift card.
My 1st GC for April I used to get Brand New's DEJA ENTENDU, since I had already bought a similar CD that is equally good titled TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS by Taking Back Sunday, and I figured if I wasn't going to treat all truly awesome music equally, then there was no point in accepting my mistake in giving special treatment to TBS' debut by way of keeping it around, but the thing is I don't need to buy anything; I have all I really need; a newer TV would be nice, but I don't have quite the money to buy one w/o saving up, and I don't need to buy a TV anyhow; I don't want to save up all my money anyhow, since it's not economically wise; I used to tell myself it was illegal to save up my money, but now TVs are so darn cheap, they really are in reach if I were to save up **ALL** of my non-bill-going money until I could afford one. I am thinking of doing that, but I'd like to disperse my money a little wider than that since I do like shopping and like I said, it would be a slight downer for the economy if I and everyone else on welfare just saved up their money instead of spending it (window shopping is all good, but it gets annoying if I'm not going to buy something once in awhile).
I've been listening to my trusty old music quite a bit lately...my reliable musical buds are INVISIBLE TOUCH and THE WAY WE WALK Vols 1& 2 by Genesis and NOTHING TO FEAR and SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET by Oingo Boingo. A lot of other music I do like hearing, but it gets old fast; I hardly ever listen to the same emo or pop-punk/new wave/classic rock CD twice in the same 3 day span. I guess late winter to mid spring is when I revert to what works the most the most. The rest of the year I'm feverishly searching for something new and exciting to listen to and rarely find it. The last few days I've been listening to Gentle Giant's OCTOPUS. I really ought to buy that one. I would say I should have bought it a loooong time ago since I did download it from limewire several years ago, but the price is so relentlessly steep I think I have a good enough excuse. Granted, the domestic Sony edition with lousy sound quality and stupid looking cover art did get reissued as a "budget" CD, that one is now out of print and so is the prior pre-budget CD-era edition that Sony was distributing. I think it's available as a domestic CD nowadays, but since Gentle Giant is an obscure band and the people in this town I live in are kinda dumb, what are the odds of me finding it in Cape other than 1in0? The price for that one on the Amazon Marketplace is $16 w/ S&H. It's $13.99 w/ free S&H if I add items costing $11.01 or more to my shopping cart alongside it. Without the free shipping, that $13.99 turns into $17.98 which is more than the MSRP(!!).
I got my The Literary Guild book club purchase requirement fulfilled a couple weeks ago. My mom gave me the money b/c she's just cool like that. I didn't have any interest in the books TLG has to offer, so I bought two copies of Neil Gaiman's THE SANDMAN and two copies of Kathy Reich's 3rd book in the Virals series. All but one of the Reich books has sold, reeling me apprx$16.75 for now, which means I lost about $10 from joining. It would have been less than that but I made some stupid selections when I signed up and picked $15 worth of "free" books; I ordered two copies of Stephen King's IT, one of which I was thinking I'd keep, the other I for some EXTREMELY stupid reason(!!!!) sold to The Book Rack and I ordered a half outdated club-exclusive calander, which, before it became outdated, was worth quite a bit @ the Amazon Marketplace; I managed to sell one previously for $15 or somewhere around there. And I'm not sure what else i ordered; I might have made most of that $15 back, but I really don't remember. If I had taken more time in choosing the books I could have raked back in closer to $25 all together, at least and then I would have been maybe right at even, if not making a couple bucks.
But at least I got it out of the way. I fulfilled my obligation the cheapest way possible. If they had charged me automatically before I picked what books I wanted, I would have paid $2 more and would not have been able to combine my selections with the club promotional offers, i.e.: $2.49 shipping w/ order of $25+ and one of the copies of THE SANDMAN was FREE b/c they were doing a B2G1 special, and that **MIGHT** have qualified, but it would have been a headache emailing them and having them be like "waaaa...? I'm not sure what you're asking...what is your acct#?", and the discounted shipping offer WOULD NOT have qualified, b/c part of the $32 they would have auto-charged me if i hadn't manually ordered the books myself was to cover the cost of shipping. They **MIGHT** have been willing/able to refund the excess S&H, but I sure don't know and wouldn't want to try emailing them 5 times to find out.
So, in other words, it's $34 for four books vs. $32 for two books. If I were just buying them b/c I'm a book lover and want to own the latest bestsellers in hardcover for a low price, then either one would be acceptable given the fact that $32 for 2 hardcovers is 25% off the MSRP that Barnes & Noble or most other sellers would charge. But as I am not a book lover and I actively **DESPISE** the selection that the general public has prompted The 'Guild to uphold, it would be an understatement to call it a ripoff; more like a tearoff, as in "dive right in & tear off a big honkin' chunk of my wallet whydon'tya?"
Ugh...I haven't been keeping up with this like I ought to. Not sure if I'm forgetting anything...
I agreed to buy my mother's unwanted music, so I owe her $30. I'll have $28 to spend next month, up from what would be $20 b/c of the book sales. Not much, but I think I can make it work.
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