Sunday, April 26, 2015


My pastor's sermon this morning has made me wonder how blessed I really am...I live a very comfortable life...I have no job, and I get bored often because of that but I have a bed, money to buy a bed if it breaks down (although it would take a while to save up for...), food to eat (plenty of it)...
It was detailing SECOND TIMOTHY, in particular the 4 things Paul told Timothy that he needed to know before finishing what Paul was called to do.  One of those 4 things was to expect persecution.  I don't think I've ever been persecuted, but I also have not been spreading the Gospel.  I don't really spread anything, really, except perhaps the feeling of eeriness when I step outside to check my mail once or twice a day...("Look, that shut in is doing his mail checking ritual!")
I go for walks, not so much lately, mostly alone as I don't have any walking companions and everyone I see is in their car.  There's scattered folk who are on their way to and from a car, but what am I supposed to do?  Stop them and ask if they've heard the Good News?
I guess I could apply for a job... I don't think anybody would mind...except me, obviously...and the government would --I think--"punish" me for working...obviously if I make my own money, I don't need "the tax payers" (whoever they are...when you consider how much of the Federal budget is going toward interest and paying down debt that keeps growing + past and present gov't employees & the secret service, I don't think taxpayers are *yet* feeling the load of the government's spending in any area.) help...the question is if I couldn't hold down a job, would I have to re-apply for SSI or would it simply resume where it left off soon after being fired for the last time?  I'm afraid to ask anybody that works in the gov't...I guess I might not end up homeless per se, but even if I did, or would, then wouldn't that enable me to spread the word to people more likely to receive it?  People with something to lose seem more apt to discard God and His Word.  The more they have to lose, the more apt...which brings me back to my initial blessed am I, really?  I guess I have a choice...but I have to decide...I don't think the Holy Spirit will make the choice for me...

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