Saturday, October 10, 2015


I rented CSL from Family Video a week and two days ago, and watched it about 3 days ago.  It was great.  It was a relief to know that some people still know how to write well-paced, focused and entertaining screenplays and that they can be filmed in a competent manner w/o the assistance of Martin Scorsese or Steven Speilberg...I wouldn't say it was the greatest film I've seen, but it's still really good.  I liked it a lot.
I bought it at Hastings' website (gohastings) and saved almost $3 off the already low price.  I guess it's considered "an old movie" by Hollywood execs, or, idk, but for some reason it's in the budget DVD section at Hastings ($5.99) and by buying on their website I only paid $3.25 + tax, and no S&H due to the sweetness of in-store pickup (yay!!!).
My mom had watched in on cable a few+ months ago and I was in the room for part of it.  The little I did see of it stuck w/ me tho.
Anyway...another cool thing, I saw the film in ONE sitting.  I didn't even get interrupted by a bathroom urge.  I just watched it.  For me, this is a pretty big achievement.  Me?  No, the real achievement in in the film's success.  It's a tasteful, stylish, spirited, engrossing film.  I liked it a lot.  I wouldn't say "I love(d) it".  Love is a strong word, although people act like it isn't...I did very much like it tho.  I'm glad I finally got around to seeing it.

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