Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I heard Rush Limbaugh talking on his radio program one day a few years ago about how the Great Depression is an example of how welfare isn't needed.  He either is extremely ignorant or he just doesn't care.  I'm going with the latter.  He was very vocal about the negative effect of "social conservatives" during the 2012 voting season.  Social conservatism is a good idea, IMO, but it should be something parents and neighbors act on.  Putting someone in jail because they defy social convention is just stupid.  The principles that the USA was built on were not socially accepted at that time.  However, if neighbors/friends/family have strong ideals that they wish to pass down to the upcoming generation(s), then they should work together to do so.  It is not congress' fault that the youth of the 1950s were drawn to Elvis Presley.  It is not congress' fault that TV stations felt compelled to air live recordings of Elvis Presley.  The fact of the matter is that congressman and religious organizations have been kicking and screaming about "American values" long after their voice became a joke in and of itself.  The sexual revolution started over 50 years ago.  Yet it's always "gay marriage" that becomes the subject of political squabbling.  Politicians and organizations defend it by saying "we don't care what they do in private, but subjecting children to it...", as if marriage had anything to do with children.  Yes, I realize a long long time ago, marriage was a means of having sex in a socially approved manner that would thus lead to parenthood.  But abortion is now legal and more or less safe (for the adult), and 30% of society doesn't even see the point of marriage.
This is indeed troubling information for those whose heart goes out to God.  And yes, if it were illegal for Elvis to be on TV it would have maybe kept the sexual revolution from happening and thus kept abortion from being legalized.  But how many souls are being saved by Kim Davies' actions?  Some guy on the news that supports her was asked by a reporter if he thought he was fighting a losing battle and he cited a passage in The Bible that talks of Christians being on the winning side.  That doesn't explain what verse in The Bible supports acting like a snooty holier than thou bigot.  Really, nothing in The Bible says to prevent marriage between gay people.  The Apostle Paul didn't force the fornicating church members to stop what they were doing.  He simply told them they would not enter Heaven if they kept it up.  It was their choice.  In Biblical terms, the issue IS gay sex, not gay marriage.  So if you're trying to conserve what's left of Christian influence in society, you either abandon the freedom of speech & religion clause and all the legislation that has been written surrounding it over the past 50+ years or you can love your neighbor the way God intended us to love each other and just hope your neighbors see and embrace the truth.  The battle against evil is not going to be won by man.  The antichrist WILL rise up and take over the entire planet.  It will be God's victory over evil that we will have the opportunity to witness and be astonished by.

But as I was saying, social conservatism is a fantasy.  It was once a reality 75 or so years ago but there's nothing to conserve anymore.  There was a time when "obscenity" was considered something akin to pornography.  It is no longer the case.  However, most lukewarm Christians and heathens alike can say that it takes a truly despicable soul to stand for children starving over malnutrition.  The obscenity laws of yore are no longer relevant, but if you want an obscenity law on the books, there's one to think over.  It's not a matter of forcing good will on others.  It's a matter of Hitler ending the holocaust voluntarily or facing a bullet in the head.  Obviously, the rich pay their taxes and welfare recipients get a tiny fraction of that, but if they don't, Rush Limbaugh and his ilk are indeed correct - Society will stand up and hunt you down.  You will go to jail or die in a police altercation.
I do however think Obama is being stupid making the investigation of welfare recipients a partisan issue.  His solution makes a little sense, but it doesn't solve the problem as far as I can tell.  The GOP proposal makes even more sense, and although it also wouldn't solve the problem, it would at least minimize it.

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