Friday, December 25, 2015


Been a good Christmas day.  I got $40 cash and $30 in WalMart+Starbucks gift cards.  My cousin needed to get to another locale to have Christmas with her un-official fiance's family, so she gave me a ride to my abode on the way out the door from my Gramma's.  My G'ma is also gave me some fudge (not a lot, but some better than none), and a pair of Hagger brand pants + a Champion brand tee shirt.  The pants had the tags on them so I assume they are brand new.  They look good.  Me likes.  I think they got confused, I am not a fruit-chocolate person.  My Mom would be at a healthy weight if she were more addicted to good taste than sugar in and of itself.  She *loves* blueberries.  And she's addicted to chocolate/sweets(sugar), so chocolate covered blueberries would have been a OMG YAYTHANKS!!!, but for some reason they were given to me instead of my mother.  Well, I fixed that, but...egh...anyway; I also got some chocolate covered cherries.  I mean, I could have & probably would have eaten both boxes if I didn't have it on good authority that my Mom likes both much more than I do.  I don't *dis*like fruit chocolate.  I just don't really "like" it per se...
I got a $12 Amazon gift card and a $5 IOU in exchange for one of the $20s I got.  I owed my mom some money, so that explains the other $3.
I'll have to remember to call the bank tomorrow to see if they're open.  I got another $20 to cash.  In town, there ain't much to do with it.  I have a Fingerhut bill due Feb 2nd.  I was initially hoping to have it paid before new year's, but that ain't gonna happen...well, I guess it could.  I forgot I sold something on Amazon late last night or this $6 out of that, so...dang.  I guess I can do it if I can pry the $5 my mom owes me out of her wallet...she'd have to give me a bigger denomination and then trust me to give her the change, which may or may not be a problem depending on her mood.
OH!  Actually, I got $40 in gift cards -- $20 WM+ $10 SBX & another $10 in Amazon gift card from my Mom.  She'd told me she already got my Christmas present back when my birthday happened.  The GC note said "OK, I lied...I love you"...I wonder if she was referencing the Michael Bolton song "Said I Loved You...But I Lied" ("love could never ever feel so strong...")
I started watching DO YOU BELIEVE? via Amazon Instant Video while waiting for Mom to come home...the computer had been on earlier, in the midmorning, and I didn't want to turn it on 3-4 hours after having turned it off, but I got antsy about 29 or so minutes into the film and went ahead and turned on the computer.  I decided to sell the $20 WalMart gift card to ABC Gift Cards since I cannot for the life of me think of $20 worth of stuff I need at WalMart...I'm not even sure I need that much $'s worth of groceries...I'll be losing $3 out of it, but $17 cash is better than $20 WalMart funds...WalMart pretty much explains what's wrong with the world, IMO.  It's stuff, stuff, more stuff, and very little of it is anything that anybody actually wants, let alone needs.  The store layout is about as tranquil as the shopping experience itself.  I don't blame WalMart, I blame their customers.  WalMart treats their employees like crap b/c they can.  Nobody minds.  Everyone continues to shop there.  WalMart continues to get revenue hand over fist.  A fully functioning operation does not need fixing.
I got an store card.  WOW!  I don't know if i Mentioned that here yet.  It's a $250 loan.  I've used over half of it so far.  I really need to make at least a $30 payment on it in January.  It's good to have that so I can have some wiggle room.  I have a lot more wiggle room than some people in my income bracket I'm sure, but more is always better (IMO).
Take care, y'all.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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