Tuesday, December 2, 2008


wow, I am now the coolest stuck-in-the-'70's dude in the town!

I just bought almost $50 worth of Grateful Dead CDs from Deep Discount (dot cooooom!) and signed up to some shopper discount thingy so I could $10 cash back on my NEXT order from DpDscnt.cooooooom! and then I ordered $18 MORE worth of stuff from them. I probably would steer clear of them, based on their poor-fair feedback on the Amazon Marketplace, except Microsoft has this cash back thing that gives 4% back on top of their already lower-than-Amazon prices...

so then I ordered the "next" order and got ANOTHER "cash back" offer (from a different company...), except I can't use it 'cause I don't have any more $...

at least I got 4 CDs (8 discs, one's a 4-CD set and ones a 2-CD set) of Grateful Dead comin' to me...well, at least I dang well hope...last I heard from Amazon, my card was having "difficulty" being processed, which usually means the $ that my sister transferred to it hasn't posted yet (she initiated the transfer from her bank acct to the card on the 30th)...hopefully they won't cancel everything...oh, yeah, my Microsoft cashback is over $2.50! cannot believe this!! of course, that won't be usable until probably March 'cause a) i have to have $5 to even ACCESS the cash-back and then b) it takes 60 days for each transaction to go from pending to non-pending (and i don't have the ability to buy double what I've already bought thus far...as I said b4...).

oh, and unless you count each individual disc as its own album/CD, I have/will-have, once the 4 albums ship and I rec' them, FOURTEEN CDs! I know, seems like I should have almost 20 by now, right? So much excitement!!

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