Thursday, December 11, 2014

A loss of unthinkable proprotions...

The Bible talks rather poorly of people who chase dreams and sleep during harvest time...I feel like schit.  The flesh surrounding my head feels hot, my brain is sore (headache?), my stomach is legs feel useless...I may have the flu, I know I've eaten way too much today and many of the previous days of recent and I also haven't walked in a couple days...the ache in the head is probably from thinking too much...maybe I've been listening to my music too loudly...maybe...idk...I know I should read The Bible and get caught up on The Story.  I also know I should take a shower and go to work/earn my keep all sounds so big yet in the moment it's so's one small particle that needs to be constantly replicated.  It's depressing and exhausting just to think about.  What the hell is wrong with me!!![?]

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