Friday, December 19, 2014

What's in it...

It occurred to me that Hell exists as a mirror of Satan himself.  As for Satan's existence, the angels existed before Adam.  Perhaps he's more human than people say he is; it's possible that God didn't choose his supernatural powers.  God gave the angels superpowers and Satan and his former-angel followers have used them to ruin mankind's relationship with God.  People always say that God's plan will not be foiled, and to some extent that may be true, but I don't think God's plan was for so much of the planet he created to burn in Hell.  He calls the Israelites a "stiff necked people".  The choice Adam made to eat the apple did not come from the forbidden tree.  Did the Israelites' stiff-neckedness stem from the forbidden fruit?  Mankind IS made in God's image.  So, minus the God-status of mankind and the superpowers that certainly do not belong in mankind's possession, we are quite like God.  And God certainly does a lot of "shameless self promotion" proving a commitment to himself that raises a red flag of egocentrism.  And while it may be easy to call that hypocrisy, the fact remains that our happiness, pure and complete, will not be found outside of our Father's presence.  We can connect with our father or be orphans.  Obviously, the rift between man & God is very strong.  But, to the best of mankind's frail abilities, it's important to reach out, and try to touch his hand.  Selfishness and bitterness I find are the two things that get in the way of acknowledging God.  Why is this?  I don't know and I cannot say for sure that God knows either.  That may be the same as asking "why is water wet?"  Is there an answer to that question other than "It just is"?  I don't think when we get to Heaven, it's going to be fruitful to ask God "How did you get here?"  He'll probably say just that: "I didn't.  I just am"
  God is perfect as far as perfection is relevant.  Mankind is at home with the Lord.  It is not at home anywhere else.  In the eyes of a man with sin extracted from his being, God IS perfect.  He provides everything we need.  He provides everything we want.  Entertainment, art, hobbies, food, everything that mankind wants on this Earth is a means to make do with the sin that exists in us.  Like the earth itself, and those who do not realize this, it will all crumble and lose its shape and form and no longer will be able to make do with our sin.

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