Thursday, December 11, 2014

the 1975 - appearances can be deceiving..

...I assumed The 1975 was one of those Rolling Stones/G'N'R beer-stained-toilet revival bands, glorifying "The good ole' days" when rock & roll had nothing to contribute to society except ugliness in every shape and form.  Turns out, they're a great band, full of emotion and melody!  Their lyrics are questionable, "If you wanna find love, you know where the city is".  Is that an unabashed misuse of the word "love"?  Anyone who knows what REAL LOVE is knows the city has nothing more than whatever dinky little town in question has.  Unless of course you're looking for your soul mate and "the universe" has pulled a Tower Of Babel on you & (s)he...and in that case, there's no telling which city your soulmate is in, because A) said person is not necessarily in ANY city (why not a suburb or a midsize town or a Population 30 ghost town?)  B) It's disgustingly pessimistic to assume God would do something like that to a person.  Yes, I know a lot of people don't find their soul mate at birth.  Yes, often times they're not in the same city/town/ghost as you, but when you need them, you'll probably have moved two or three times and if they're still not in the same city as you, A) there's the internet for those who are inclined to use it for dating and B) you ever heard of a tourist?

Ok, so enough of that.  It's obvious with any honest logic that The 1975 are using "love" as a euphemism for sex.  However, weather or not that's their personal outlook is not clear, at least not to me.  I don't understand half the lyrics of the verses, and I don't care that much anyway.  I'll get tired of the album soon enough.  And I only paid $5.99 for the mp3 version at Amazon.
I was seriously gunning for the physical copy (CD), but A) I'm poor and B) it's the music that matters.  The farther humans get from this tangled up obsession with packaging (cover art, box graphics, etc.) the better it will be for all forms of music.  Not to mention, the extinction of cover-art is inevitable.  If it's not, let the filthy rich do their part in keeping it alive.  As for me, I'm still low on groceries.

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