Wednesday, April 18, 2018


I posted some bunch of something that started with Margaret Thatcher and ended at some random point after several detours, one of which was cut off prematurely, and when I realized that -- after publishing it -- I tried fixing it, and added several other detours, some of which were interesting but ultimately misguided and excessively off topic *and* trite, and one of them I saved in an email thinking I'd post it later.  Then I got summoned for dinner. Meanwhile, I don't remember what I was trying to edit or what the original post consisted of.  Whatever it was it had 9 views.  So there you have a limited edition of Trying To Reach You - The Blog you lucky 9 viewers.  You now know something about me that I might not.  Just remember you're lying if you call me out on it.  IT NEEEVER HAPPPENED  SSSHHHHHH

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