Monday, October 27, 2014

threeee christmas mo-vies!

I signed up for an Amazon Prime 30 days free trial a few days ago.
Ordered SHORT CIRCUIT and THE LAST UNICORN last week the day I signed up.  Got 'em two days later as I was promised (Saturday via FedEx).  Got refunded on SHORT CIRCUIT, since, like the time I ordered it from a few+ months ago, the cover-art is NOT what it once was but, again, the stupid looking one @ Amazon still has the glorious original on their site to represent what it is customers would/will order...Amazon LLC did not require me to send it back, so I guess I'll keep's not horrendous, just disappointing...and for free?  Heck, why not?  I do like watching the movie once in a while...which was mainly why I bought it...

Just ordered GREMLINS on DVD.  It's from the Amazon FBA program, it's used..."very good" condiiton...I'll see how "very" good it looks sitting on my shelf.  It's the old 1999 DVD, so it's a snapcase, since Warner Bros. didn't put their stuff in keepcases until the mid-2000s.  What I like about the 1999 snapcase is it has the original horror-y cover-art featuring a GREMLIN (as opposed to a mogwaii, which is what is shown on all the newer pressings of the DVD).  However, being a snapcase, I'm going to have to trust that the people who put together the DVD case knew what they were doing...I always used to be like "what?!!  It's made out of cardboard!  The weight of the keepcases surrounding it will crush it!!!!!!!!!!"  But if that's a problem, I can always buy the newer pressing and just deal.  Or better yet, use one of my blank/replacement cases and just stuff the disc in there.

Also just ordered END OF DAYS, the Ahnold movie from 1999 that people all across the USA didn't see because they got doped up on something or other and ended up seeing only God knows what during's not a Christmas movie, the bulk of the movie takes place a couple or so days after Christmas, but it does have a chilly day in NYC feel to it, with rich people wearing expensive comfortable coats.... which is really what the Holidays are all about, am I right?  Well, some people insist Christmas is all about Jesus, and for those that feel that way, whatever.  I'd like to think I'm doing the right thing, but if being consumed by Jesus and his ways is the meaning of life and doing otherwise mans I'm going to Hell, so be it.  I feel much more alive looking at NYC in END OF DAYS than I do singing songs in Church.  Yes, that's my fault.  I don't pray enough.  My priorities aren't straight.  The same can be said about 95% of the world.  Christmas is, for most people, all about big shiny boxes with big shiny things inside them + snow.  Yes, I realize those big shininings will not mean anything when the economy collapses and the less economically fortunate (i.e.: me) have no electricity...and when the Antichrist takes over, I will need to be aware and remember to say "no" when it comes time for Satan's helpers to implant his mark on the public.  Otherwise there's no hope of anything good coming out of my future.

I should be getting a $5 Amazon gift card courtesy of Swagbucks anytime within 7 days from today.  With that, if my shopping cart contents don't get bought by someone else, I will buy HOME ALONE on DVD.  Almost everytime it gets to be late fall, I think of that movie.  That movie also has a distinctly Christmas feel to it.

Someone wrote a list of movies you might forget take place during Christmas.  On that list, they put GREMLINS on there.  I was like "WHAT????!!!!!!!!!"  How dumb can a person be to FORGET that Gremlins takes place during Christmas?  I mean, I can see someone who hasn't seen the movie in 30 years, or 20, but if you forgot the movie takes place during Christmas, you probably don't remember much if anything of the movie....

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