Friday, May 8, 2015

Is HOT PURSUIT that bad or...IS it REEALLY that bad?

Rotten tomatoes' sampling of 67 critics says HOT PURSUIT, this year's comedy starring Reese Witherspoon and some actress I've never heard of but looks a little familiar..., surmises that if you like this movie then you're a freakin' weirdo.  SIX PERCENT of them like it.
Rotten Tomatoes sampling of 32 critics say Kevin Costner's breathtaking epic THE POSTMAN, by now pushing 20 years, is a steaming pile of crap.  Only 2 of the critics listed have anything good to say about it.
Is this new film another lazy attempt by Hollywood to push something out and hope to make some money off of it or is it one of those off instances where the film studio wants someone fired so they create an excuse to get it done by tainting critics perspective of a movie by telling them that it stinks before they see it? 
Not sure if I'm allowed to do this, but here's what an customer going by the name(username) of Thomas Plotkin posted as a "comment" on one of the Amazon customer reviews for THE POSTMAN (1997)

"Always distrust film critics when they behave like a herd to kill a movie -- usually the response has been orchestrated by the studio itself, mainstream critics' true masters, who for political reasons seek to sabotage their own product and punish errant employees (head of production set up for ouster, director whose development deal has become burdensome) by starting whispering campaigns that a film is a dog pre-release, predisposing the geniuses in the press to echo them, Pavlov-style. No-one is lazier than a mainstream journalist, and the folks on the arts beat are the worst offenders of all."

So.......if I were to risk being accused of inciting illegal activity, I might suggest "borrowing" the movie, then paying for it, either rent it for the standard price that most video stores charge for it, or, if you got buckoos of money, maybe buy it at Amazon or Target for the full $15+?  If you wanna rent it at Redbox, it's your $1.50's sucks that Hollywood is forcing me to hesitate renting movies that I would otherwise feel fine renting, because video stores, some of them well meaning operations, have no recourse but to take the bullet with the film studios that put out this junk.

Oh well.  I guess time will tell.

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