Monday, May 25, 2015

Thank you, Seth at Yahoo! Answers...

Some guy going by the name of Conard Phelps has an entire series of "Hilarious Book of Mems and Jokes".  I stumbled upon THE HILARIOUS BOOK OF GHOSTBUSTERS MEMES AND JOKES by this guy and was trying to figure out if he had permission to **PUBLISH** the GHOSTBUSTERS logo like he did (it's an e-book, there's no physical copy as far as I can tell), and although I found absolutely nothing to confirm or deny any piracy, I did suddenly start wondering "What the hell is a meme?"
I found a profile for some guy yesterday and his profile stated "Obviously I like memes".'s onl obvious if you know what a "meme" is and you would only know what a meme is if you use Facebook, which is about as useful as reality TV.  I don't have much if any respect for local or national news as it is presented on TV, either.  It's important to know weather or not the Antichrist has arrived so you can be prepared to stand up and reject The Mark he intends to put on everyone, but if you think it's just a fairytale then you have **ZERO** need to watch the news.  It's mostly carnage and gossip.  From 1988 on 'til now, The People of this nation have been electing criminals into office.  People don't know this because they don't care.  So the political landscape is not likely to change.  The GOP primary will probably be won by another dumbass like Mitt Romney or some jackass like John McCain.  And then there's Hilary Clinton.  People think she's wonderful.  She's not.  She and her husband are partners in crime.  It's hard to **PROVE** anything when a witness ends up dead.;_ylt=A0LEV7xTYmNVkwQA7axjmolQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?p=george+h.w.+bush+drug+dealer&tnr=21&vid=74BAE9F2A03832F7FAA074BAE9F2A03832F7FAA0&l=227&

I'm sure Reagan has some stuff he'd rather people not know, but I'm not intending to provide a comprehensive history of U.S. presidents who are horrendously corrupt.  I'm just saying politics is treated like a game and the evils that the members of congress have committed far outweigh the good they've accomplished.  What I **really** don't get is people piss on each other and then talk about "gun laws".  SERIOULSY?  If you want guns to quit killing people, GET RID OF THE HATE!  Hate breeds hate.  Guns don't kill people.  Guns are inanimate objects that **PEOPLE** make and use.  The reason people use guns to kill people, yes, they're an easy to use method, but if there were no hatred and humanity's love amongst itself were in the necessary supply, why would anybody die of a gunshot?  Yes, there's toddlers who accidentally pick up a gun and pull the trigger.  Stuff like that is an "Honest Mistake".  Just like assuming that the guy whose standing on a podium running for president isn't a mass murderer....
There is one thing that needs to happen, regardless of whose to blame for the Federal Gov'ts budget deficit (it's 2/3 Obama and 1/3 Bush, BTW): Taxes need to go up.  And the Affordable Health Care Act needs to be repealed, at least temporarily.  Obama has spent way too much money using Air Force One willy nilly and W. has spent way too much money trying to engage in combat with shadows.  Until we have enough tax dollars to fund what we've already spent and pay off the interest its cost us, we cannot afford the "Affordable Health Care" that Obama and all the low wage work force members so desperately need (although Obama doesn't *need* affordable health care, he just *wants* it b/c it will make him look good).  Seriously, there is no serious thought that goes into this notion that nothing bad will happen if we
spend x4
pay x1
spend x5
pay 1
spend 8
pay 2
spend 12
pay 2.75
This nation will need to foreclose if this keeps up.  Just like a house that isn't being paid for, the lender will come and claim what is theirs.  We made a small-medium size dent in the deficit with the sequester, but now Obama's talking about ending it.  I don't think he's actually talk**ing** about it, but he did propose it on TV a few months ago...I don't think it will happen with Republicans controlling both the house and the senate.

So anyway.  I'm sure Facebook is entertaining and all.  I just think it's stupid and annoying.  Kind of like Snickers bars.  Or reality TV.  Or Britney Spears.  Damn it.  I'm gonna have to follow this up with a list of things I **DO** like to quell the perceived notion that I hate if an emotionally compelling **MOVIE** is just too much for people to take in...seriously ppl?  Does FORREST GUMP not strike your fancy?  You'd rather watch DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES or SURVIVOR?  Oh, and I do like chocolate, btw.  I just don't think Snickers or Milky Way is worth the money it costs.  You pay 3x more for much better chocolate and yes you buy less of it, but who needs all those calories and fat grams + sugar anyway?  2 or 3 big high quality chocolate bars in the span of a month is the very most the average consumer needs to have anyway.  Oh, and I do like fun music.  I just don't like stupid music.  Britney Spears' initials pretty much sum up the entirety of her back catalogue.

To sum up Facebook, reality TV, low budget junk food, and exotic dancers that "also" sing in the words of the Brilliant Detective Sherlock Holmes himself:

"The full spectrum of commerce and communication flows through her optic fibers as well as the requisite glut of pornography and cat videos."

So HA!

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